Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Biden stumps for Clinton, McGinty

- Chris Potter: cpotter@post-gazette.com or 412-263-2533.

President with a positive message.”

Mr. Biden did acknowledg­e that Americans of modest means had been hurting. “The middle class has got the living hell kicked out of them the past 15 years,” he said. And the vice president, a Scranton native, recalled that in the late 1900s, “I walked by so many padlocked factories, where they were unbolting machinery from the floor [to] be sent overseas. They called it outsourcin­g, and people where I came from got battered by it.”

Challenges remained, he said, including child care costs that often kept parents from working: “Child care in Pennsylvan­ia, average cost $14,700 for a family with two kids. That’s why women aren’t in the workforce.”

But he predicted that if Ms. Clinton was elected, “You’ll see a renaissanc­e in America like you haven’t seen in five decades.”

Chatham, formerly a women’s college that went coed last year, offered a welcome climate to a proClinton message. Several students agreed that Mr. Trump’s remarks about women — and recent allegation­s that he has accosted multiple women — had galvanized campus opinion even more. (Mr. Trump has denied the accusation­s.)

“Our campus was halfBernie, half-Hillary,” said senior Alexis McKenna, referring to Ms. Clinton’s primary rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. “Trump’s awful statements have been a big part of unifying it.”

“Now it’s personal,” agreed Carina Stopenski, a Chatham senior who said she was already “so excited to vote for a woman.”

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