Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

U.S. steps up in Somalia as al-Shabab proves stubborn

- By Abdi Gulen

MOGADISHU, Somalia — With frequent suicide bombings and assaults on Somalia’s hotels and military targets, the Islamic extremist group al-Shabab has proved more resilient than expected, leading President Donald Trump’s administra­tion to pursue wider military involvemen­t as current strategies, including drone attacks, are not enough, security experts say.

Senior U.S. officials have said the Pentagon wants to expand the military’s efforts to battle the al-Qaida-linked group. Recommenda­tions sent to the White House would allow U.S special forces to increase assistance to the Somali National Army and give the U.S. military greater flexibilit­y to launch more pre-emptive airstrikes.

The U.S. is likely to find counterter­ror efforts in Somalia difficult and expensive, analysts say — especially with the recent emergence of fighters pledging alliance to the Islamic State group.

“The concern in Washington has been mounting for some time now. The Trump administra­tion is simply reiteratin­g what has been policy, with slight variations,” said Rashid Abdi, a Horn of Africa analyst with the Internatio­nal Crisis Group. “U.S. special forces are already on the ground. Drone attacks have been scaled up.”

Currently about 50 U.S. commandos rotate in and out of this Horn of Africa nation to advise and assist local troops. The commandos have accompanie­d Somali forces in several raids against alShabab fighters in which dozens of militants were killed, according to Somali intelligen­ce officials, who insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press.

Somalia, which has been without an effective central government since the fall of dictator Siad Barre in 1991, was one of the seven predominan­tly Muslim countries included in Mr. Trump’s recent travel ban. That executive order has since been suspended by federal courts.

Al-Shabab emerged amid Somalia’s years of chaos. A regional military effort several years ago pushed the extremist group from the capital, Mogadishu, and most other urban centers. But experts say that push against al-Shabab then weakened, allowing it to regroup and adapt to operating in the country’s vast rural areas. It recently stepped up attacks in the capital and elsewhere.

The U.S. already has military bases in Somalia, although it has not publicly acknowledg­ed them. They are often used for drone attacks against al-Shabab targets.

In the past year the U.S. launched 14 airstrikes — nearly all drone strikes — killing some top al-Shabab leaders, including Hassan Ali Dhore and Abdullahi Haji Daud, according to a Somali intelligen­ce official who coordinate­d with the U.S. on some of them.

The main successes against al-Shabab have come from the 22,000-strong African Union regional force that has operated in Somalia since 2007. But the AU force plans to withdraw by the end of 2020, and cost is a primary reason. The annual mission’s budget has risen from $300 million in 2009 to $900 million in 2016, said Ahmed Soliman, an analyst with Chatham House, the London-based think tank.

Without the African Union troops, the fight against al-Shabab will be left to the Somali army, widely regarded as weak and disorganiz­ed. Building the army into an effective force will be the primary challenge facing the United States.

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