Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

No good reason against women as priests


I respectful­ly disagree with the position taken by John Lewandowsk­i in his March 2 letter “Men and Women Are Equal in Dignity in the Church.” His statements are not logical, are not based in Scripture, and do not have a sound theologica­l base. He incorrectl­y states that ordaining women in the Catholic Church is an “impossibil­ity” just because Pope John Paul II said so.

The Catholic Church ordained women, as recently as Dec. 28, 1970. Ludmila Javorova was legitimate­ly ordained by Bishop Felix Maria Davidek in the Czech Republic (then Czechoslov­akia). The reason for her ordination, as well as the ordination of other women during this period, was to help the church to survive during the Cold War years (1949-1989) when the church and its activities were banned. Ludmila, and approximat­ely 25 other women, some of whom are still alive, were ordained because female priests would not be on the “radar” of the communists.

Despite what Mr. Lewandowsk­i believes, and what Pope John Paul II said, it is not “impossible” for the church to ordain women. The church may do whatever it chooses. It has done so throughout history. In addition, many other Christian denominati­ons have come to accept the ordination of women and have not found it in violation of Christian theology. These women have enriched and brought new life into the churches they serve.

Ordination is not grounded, nor should it be based, on a person’s anatomy. There is no “male” or “female” way to preach, live the Gospel, provide sacraments or counsel, and respond to those in need. I have met a very large number of very holy women capable, willing and ready to serve. While it is true that the church does “dignify” women, please be clear: It does not treat women equally. There is difference. Citing women such as St. Therese, St. Faustina and others does not mean they were treated equally.

Finally, male priests have had their chance for almost 2,000 years. While there have been and continue to be many good priests, there are still far too many others who have created scandal and abuse and are in no way true examples of Christ. In addition to declining vocations, without women, the church will continue to suffer. An all-male clergy is not capable of continuing to serve the church well in modern times. It is time to give women a chance. JOHN A. BAVARO


The rich get richer and the middle class and below tread water at best. The tax breaks that are proposed, for the most part, will go to corporatio­ns and the already wealthy. As the stock market goes up, it mostly affects the top 10 percent of our population. That increase in income will be taxed as capital gains, at half or less than what regular income is taxed.

To help the well-to-do people even more, our government wants to give the wealthy vouchers so that they won’t have to pay the full cost to send their children to private schools. I don’t want my taxes to pay for those vouchers. It’s my feeling that all kids, rich and poor, benefit more by going to a public school together. If there is a problem with our public schools, let’s fix it.

The unfairness of it all is that with all these breaks for the “haves,”the “have-nots” can’t even get a raise in the minimum wage. BOB GERENYI Murrysvill­e

Watching Donald Trump is similar to watching a carnival barker selling tickets. He tries to fast-talk us into his tent of promises and isolation from the outside world. I have chosen not to buy his ticket.

But what hurts me deeply is some of my friends and family have bought into this carny talk and taken the path into his tent. And even more sadly, he has used his tent to deride people he has captured who are different from his followers. The captured are taunted, ridiculed and singled out as enemies of America.

This man, this carny barker continues to divide our country, our families, our friends and neighbors. He is in it for himself and no one else, no matter his rhetoric.

The office of the presidency is not a carnival, a side show, or a reality TV show. CAROLE SLOAN


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