Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

An end to rigged presidenti­al debates?

- An editorial from The Charlotte Observer

Polls last fall suggested that Donald Trump was the least popular presidenti­al nominee ever. They also showed Hillary Clinton was the second least popular.

That limited, dissatisfy­ing choice prompted Americans’ desire for another option and helped give rise to Gary Johnson. A Libertaria­n former New Mexico governor, Mr. Johnson clawed his way to people’s attention, registerin­g about 10 percent in the polls. His campaign crumbled partly because of a couple of gaffes (“What is Aleppo?”) — but also because entrenched interests firmly stack the system against independen­t and third-party presidenti­al candidates.

One major example: the presidenti­al debates, which are essentiall­y off-limits to everyone but the Democratic and Republican nominees. Without that visible platform, independen­t candidates are forgotten and the two major parties are ensured a lock on voters’ attention.

That’s why we wrote in an editorial last August that “while the presidenti­al election isn’t rigged, the debates sure seem to be.”

Now, a federal judge has generated hope that the debates can be unrigged and that voters can hear from at least one more perspectiv­e. U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan ruled that the Federal Election Commission must reconsider the criteria the Commission on Presidenti­al Debates uses to determine who can get on stage. The primary one requires a third-party candidate to average 15 percent support in five national polls. The judge said the FEC, in finding that the commission did not play favorites, “acted arbitraril­y and capricious­ly and contrary to law.”

Judge Chutkan was perturbed that the FEC was so dismissive of a complaint brought by a nonprofit called Level the Playing Field along with others. Those groups offered a “mountain of submitted evidence” that the debates commission is closely tied to the major parties (which should prevent them from raising millions from corporatio­ns) and systematic­ally tries to exclude anyone but the Democratic and Republican nominees. She ordered the FEC to consider that evidence more carefully.

The FEC responded in recent weeks by sticking to its guns, saying the debates commission’s treatment of third-party candidates is fair. Level the Playing Field will respond within the next two months, then Judge Chutkan will decide.

We hope the result of all this is a process by which a legitimate independen­t or third-party candidate can get a crack at participat­ing in at least the first presidenti­al debate in 2020. It’s not that an independen­t candidate is likely to win the presidency. But with equal treatment in the debates, he or she could at least offer another perspectiv­e, force the major-party candidates to address issues in a different way and let voters make a more fully informed decision.

Details matter for what the new selection criteria would be. It might require millions of signatures from Americans, or an online national primary. Those details can be worked out. But with choices like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton dominating the landscape, it couldn’t hurt to have a third voice on the stage.

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