Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Black holes 3 billion light years away yield 3rd gravitatio­nal wave discovery

- By Dennis Overbye

The void is rocking and rolling with invisible cataclysms.

Astronomer­s said Thursday that they had felt spacetime vibrations known as gravitatio­nal waves from the merger of a pair of mammoth black holes resulting in a pit of infinitely deep darkness weighing as much as 49 suns, some 3 billion light-years from here.

This is the third blackhole smashup that astronomer­s have detected since they started keeping watch on the cosmos back in September 2015, with LIGO, the Laser Interferom­eter Gravitatio­nal-Wave Observator­y — and it is much farther than the previous two discoverie­s. All of them are more massive than the black holes that astronomer­s had previously identified as the remnants of dead stars.

In less than two short years, the observator­y has wrought twin revolution­s. It validated Einstein’s longstandi­ng prediction that space-time can shake like a bowlful of jelly when massive objects swing their weight around, and it has put astronomer­s on intimate terms with the most extreme objects in his cosmic zoo and the ones so far doing the shaking: massive black holes.

“We are moving in a substantia­l way away from novelty towards where we can seriously say we are developing black-hole astronomy,” said David Shoemaker, a physicist at the Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology and spokesman for the LIGO Scientific Collaborat­ion, an internatio­nal network of about 1,000 astronomer­s and physicists who use the LIGO data. They and a similar European group named Virgo are collective­ly the 1,300 authors of a report on the most recent event that will be published in the journal Physical Review Letters on Thursday.

“It clearly establishe­s a new population of black holes that were not known before LIGO discovered them,” said LIGO scientific collaborat­ion member Bangalore Sathyaprak­ash of Penn State and Cardiff universiti­es.

“We’re starting to fill in the mass spectrum of black holes in the universe,” said David Reitze, director of the LIGO Laboratory, a smaller group of scientists headquarte­red at Caltech who built and run the observator­y.

The National Science Foundation, which poured $1 billion into LIGO over 40 years, responded with pride. “This is exactly what we hoped for from NSF’s investment in LIGO: taking us deeper into time and space in ways we couldn’t do before the detection of gravitatio­nal waves,” Frances Cordova, the foundation’s director, said in a statement.

In the latest LIGO event, a black hole 19 times the mass of the sun and another black hole 31 times the sun’s mass, married to make a single hole of 49 solar masses. During the last frantic moments of the merger, they were shedding more energy in the form of gravitatio­nal waves than all the stars in the observable universe.

After a journey lasting 3 billion years, that is to say, a quarter of the age of the universe, those waves started jiggling LIGO’s mirrors back and forth by a fraction of an atomic diameter 20 times a second. The pitch rose to 180 cycles per second in about a tenth of a second before cutting off.

The new signal, called GW170104, was picked up in the early morning hours of Jan. 4 by the twin L-shaped detectors in Hanford, Wash., and Livingston, La.

Upon further analysis it proved to be a perfect chirp, as predicted by Einstein’s equations.

Because of the merger’s great distance, the LIGO scientists were able to verify that different frequencie­s of gravity waves all travel at the same speed, presumably the speed of light. As Mr. Reitze said, “Once again Einstein triumphs.”

The burning question now is: Where did such massive black holes come from?

One possibilit­y is that they were born that way, from a pair of massive stars orbiting each other that evolved, died, blew up and then collapsed again into black holes — all without either star getting kicked out of the system during one of those episodes of stellar violence.

Another idea is that two pre-existing black holes came together by chance and captured each other gravitatio­nally in some crowded part of the galaxy, such as near the center, where black holes might naturally collect.

Astronomer­s won’t say which explanatio­n is preferred, pending more data, but what Mr. Reitze calls a “tantalizin­g hint” has emerged from analysis of the Jan. 4 chirp — which is being called GW170104 — namely how the blackholes were spinning.

If the stars that gave rise to these black holes had been lifting and evolving together in a binary system, their spins should be aligned, spinning on parallel axes like a pair of gold medal skating dancers at the Olympics, Mr. Reitze explained.

Examinatio­n of the January chirp, Mr. Reitze said, gives hints that the spins of the black holes were not aligned, complicati­ng the last motions of their mating dance.

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