Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Differing accounts arise over Manafort, Ukraine finances

- By Andrew E. Kramer

The New York Times

KIEV, Ukraine — Paul J. Manafort, President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, recently filed financial reports with the Justice Department showing that he earned nearly $17 million for two years of work for a Ukrainian political party withlinks to the Kremlin.

Curiously, that was more than the party itself reported spending in the same period for its entire operation — the national political organizati­on’s expenses, salaries and other incidental­s.

The discrepanc­ies show a lot about how Mr. Manafort’s clients — former President Viktor F. Yanukovych of Ukraine and his Party of Regions — operated.

Mr. Yanukovych was driven from office in the Maidan Revolution of 2014, after having stolen, according to the current Ukrainian government, at least $1 billion. In the years before his fall, Mr. Manafort took lavish payments to burnish the image of Mr. Yanukovych and the Party of Regions in Washington, even as the party acknowledg­ed only very modest spending.

In 2012, for example, the party reported annual expenses of about $11.1 million, based on the exchange rate at the time, excluding overhead. For the same year, Mr. Manafort reported income of $12.1 million from the party, the Justice Department filing shows.

In 2013, the Party of Regions reported expenses of $3.7 million, while Mr. Manafort reported receiving payments of $4.5 million.

Handwritte­n ledgers that surfaced last year indicated that the party had actually spent about $2 billion over the past decade or so, much or most of it illegally. Some outlays like payments to an election official possibly amounted to criminal bribery.

Mr. Manafort has not been charged with breaking any laws regarding the reporting of income derived from his efforts on behalf of the party.

In a statement, Mr. Manafort’s spokesman, Jason Maloni, suggested the Party of Regions was accountabl­e for the contradict­ion between the two disclosure­s. “Any questions about the reporting obligation­s of the Party of Regions should be directed to those within the party responsibl­e for such reporting,” the statement said. Mr. Manafort’s work “was widely known and the firm was paid only for the work it performed. In fact, just last month Ukraine officials indicated that there is no proof of illicit payments.”

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