Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The PG blew it by firing cartoonist Rob Rogers


The world needs more people like Rob Rogers. I could not be more disappoint­ed in the paper’s handling of his cartoons and subsequent dispute (June 15, “PostGazett­e Fires Cartoonist Rob Rogers”).In an era in which print papers are fighting for survival, and subjects like free speech and political division are coming to a crossroads, you could not have handled this situation any worse. I don’t love all of Rob Rogers’ cartoons. In fact, sometimes I disagree to the point that they anger me, and that is exactly why he is goodat his job.

You can’t silence artists and thinkers like Rob Rogers and those whom he connects with. This action has surely ignited the free thinkers of this city and dumped fuel on the fire that will rage against you. This city is better than this kind of action, and the notion that you would dare continue to call yourself the “Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,” as if this action is representa­tive of our city, is abhorrent.

You are all cowards who should be ashamed in siding with the wrong side of history. I will do all that I can to support Rob Rogers and artists like him and to fight those who would attempt to silence that which they don’t like hearing. You blew it. RANDY POTTER

Franklin Park

We welcome your opinion

We subscribe to the PG, “One of America’s Great Newspapers,” it states on the front page. While waiting for the paper Friday morning, I tuned to the TV news to learn that the PG had fired Rob Rogers, reportedly for hisanti-Trump cartoons.

Rob’s cartoons have always been one of my favorite features of the PG. I have appreciate­d his cleverness and ability to get right to the point.

Come on, guys, it’s a big paper. It is a large and varied community. Surely there is room for some editorial diversity of opinion to be reflected by a “great newspaper.” RICHARD NORWOOD

Mt. Lebanon internment­s. History is sadly repeating itself, no thanks to you. Hopefully Rob Rogers continues his important work elsewhere. RACHEL BEISTEL

Monroevill­e PG editorial director Keith Burris wants “funnier” editorial cartoons? The ones that he’s chosen to run in place of Rob Rogers’ cartoons are LEE GRICE Arlington

The Post-Gazette’s decision to fire Rob Rogers is deeply disturbing. And to be honest, it was the next in a series of decisions by the new Post-Gazette editorial board that has outraged me. So I attended the Rob Rogers-inspired protest on June 10. Before I attended, I was convinced that I would be canceling our subscripti­on.

I listened to the speakers and I became convinced that canceling our subscripti­on was not the right path. Supporting our local newspaper is more important than ever. The writers and reporters (especially the investigat­ive reporters) must be supported by everyone to continue to do their work in order to provide the checks and balances necessary in a democracy.

I implore the PG to protect that democracy. Yours is a sacred trust. This newspaper is an instrument of, by and for the people. The Block family may own the Post-Gazette, but it belongs to the people of Pittsburgh. ANDEE LOWENSTEIN

Squirrel Hill

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