Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

We can have robust capitalism and social programs


This is in response to letter writer Stephen Sokol’s lecture on real capitalism, or How the Wealthy Saved the Universe (Aug. 17, “Leftists Need to Understand the Good of Real Capitalism”).

Sitting on his perch in Mt. Lebanon (where I happen to live), where the real world doesn’t enter too often, he claims he is one of the 95 percent when, in reality, his lofty domaine really is the other 5 percent. He should take a six-mile drive to the Bedford Dwellings or Northview Heights or Baldwin Courts or any other poor area in the Pittsburgh vicinity and see how his real capitalism is working for those residents of the city, real 95 percenters.

I do not mind my tax dollars going to feed the poor, provide health care for everyone or helping low-income families send their children to college (I went to college on the GI Bill in 1972. Do you have a problem with that, Mr. Sokol?). There’s no reason why this country cannot have a combinatio­n of wellrun social programs and robust capitalism.

Frankly, I trust government more than the profit makers, who, it seems, in this generation, are motivated by greed and power (think Donald Trump, the Mercer family, the Kochs, Rupert Murdoch and others). I wouldn’t mind if we provided a $1,000 check to each low-income household every month. That would stimulate the economy. Of course, some people would think they would only buy drugs with it. That’s the thinking of the right.

If a well-run, socially conscious government ran the Sahara Desert, Mr. Sokol, there would be a lot of shade trees for the poor, making our society not only robust but compassion­ate. DONALD PALMERINE

Mt. Lebanon

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