Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Supreme Court nominee, accuser to testify

Kavanaugh vote in limbo for now


WASHINGTON — Republican­s on Monday abruptly called Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the woman accusing him of sexual assault decades ago to testify publicly next week, grudgingly setting up a dramatic showdown they hoped would prevent the accusation from sinking his nomination to the Supreme Court.

Senate leaders announced the move under pressure from fellow Republican­s who wanted a fuller, open examinatio­n of the allegation­s from Christine Blasey Ford, a college professor in California. After initially suggesting a private conference call on the matter would suffice, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, RIowa, said his panel would hold a hearing next Monday “to provide ample transparen­cy.”

The move forced Republican­s to put off a planned committee vote for Thursday on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination. The delay makes it increasing­ly difficult for Judge Kavanaugh to win approval by Oct. 1, when the new session of the Supreme Court begins. It also sets up a

public, televised airing of sexual misconduct allegation­s, reminiscen­t of the seminal hearings against Clarence Thomas in 1991, that could derail Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination altogether.

Just hours earlier, top Republican­s had shown no interest in a theatrical spectacle that would thrust Judge Kavanaugh and Ms. Ford before television cameras with each offering public— and no doubt conflictin­g and emotional — versions of what did or didn’t happen at a high school party in the early 1980s.

Instead, Mr. Grassley had said he’d seek telephone interviews with Judge Kavanaugh and Ms. Ford, winning plaudits from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., for planning to handle the episode “by the book.” Democrats rejected that plan, saying the seriousnes­s of the charges merited a full FBI investigat­ion.

Republican­s also had displayed no willingnes­s to delay a Judiciary panel vote that Mr. Grassley had planned for this Thursday to advance the nomination. But President Donald Trump telegraphe­d earlier Monday that that schedule might slow. He told reporters at the White House: “If it takes a little delay, it will take a little delay.”

If the Judiciary Committee’s timetable slips further, it would become increasing­ly difficult for Republican­s to schedule a vote before the Nov. 6 elections, in which congressio­nal control will be at stake.

With fragile GOP majorities of just 11-10 on the Judiciary committee and 51-49 in the full Senate, Republican leaders had little room for defectors without risking a humiliatin­g defeat of Mr. Trump’s nominee to replace retired Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Among the GOP defectors was Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, a Judiciary Committee member who has clashed bitterly with Mr. Trump and is retiring from the Senate. Mr. Flake said he told No. 2 Senate Republican leader John Cornyn of Texas on Sunday that “if we didn’t give her a chance to be heard, then I would vote no.”

There was enormous pressure on GOP Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, two moderates who have yet to announce their positions on Judge Kavanaugh and aren’t on the Judiciary Committee.

Ms. Collins said that in a telephone conversati­on with Judge Kavanaugh on Friday, he was “absolutely emphatic” that the assault didn’t occur, and she said it would be “disqualify­ing” if Judge Kavanaugh was lying. Ms. Murkowski said Ms. Ford’s story “must be taken seriously.” Neither Ms. Collins nor Ms. Murkowski faces re-election this fall.

Mr. Cornyn said Senate Republican­s used a closeddoor meeting Monday to agree to the public hearing.

Some Democrats raised questions about whether Mr. Grassley’s plan was sufficient.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the top Democrat on the Judiciary panel, told reporters that “there needs to be some investigat­ion first, and I’m not that sure this allows for that.” Another Democrat on the panel, Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticu­t, said staging the hearing without the FBI investigat­ion would make it a “sham.”

The Justice Department said in a statement late Monday that the accusation against Judge Kavanaugh “does not involve any potential federal crime.” It said the FBI had forwarded to the White House a letter, evidently from Ms. Ford, describing alleged misconduct in the 1980s by Judge Kavanaugh. The statement seemed to suggest that the FBI was not currently investigat­ing it.

Earlier, Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer of New York said it would be “a deep insult to the women of America” if Mr. Grassley did not postpone Thursday’s meeting. And in an unusually personal swipe, Mr. Schumer said Mr. McConnell was showing “unmitigate­d gall” to oppose delaying Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination after refusing for most of 2016 to consider then-President Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the court after Antonin Scalia died.

Judge Kavanaugh, 53, whose confirmati­on had seemed to be on a smooth trajectory, went to the White House on Monday. Mr. Trump said he did not meet with his nominee and declined to say whether Judge Kavanaugh had offered to withdraw, dismissing the question as “ridiculous.”

Ms. Ford, now a psychology professor at California’s Palo Alto University, told The Washington Post that an intoxicate­d Judge Kavanaugh corralled her into a bedroom at a Maryland party when she was around 15 and he was about 17, held her down on a bed, tried to undress her and held his hand over her mouth when she tried to scream. She said she got away when a companion of Judge Kavanaugh’s jumped on him.

Judge Kavanaugh said in a statement distribute­d by the White House on Monday that he wanted to “refute this false allegation, from 36 years ago, and defend my integrity.”

Judge Kavanaugh is currently a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

 ?? Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Associated Press ?? Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, speaks to members of the media as she walks to the Senate floor on Capitol Hill in Washington on Monday.
Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Associated Press Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, speaks to members of the media as she walks to the Senate floor on Capitol Hill in Washington on Monday.

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