Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Deputy AG still has job, at least for now

Rosenstein, Trump to talk on Thursday


WASHINGTON — After a long weekend spent wondering if he should resign or would be fired, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein still has his job — for now.

President Donald Trump gave Mr. Rosenstein a three-day reprieve pending their face-toface White House showdown Thursday. That’s when the man who oversees the Trump-Russia investigat­ion will respond to reports that he had discussed secretly recording the president and possibly using constituti­onal procedures to remove him from office.

The revelation that Mr. Rosenstein last year had broached the idea of taping the president touched off a dramatic weekend of conversati­ons with the White House in which he offered to one official to resign and confided to another that he was considerin­g doing so, according to two people familiar with the discussion­s who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private conversati­ons.

Even as he took issue with the reports, Mr. Rosenstein arrived at the White House on Monday expecting to be fired,

according to another person who spoke on condition of anonymity. Instead, after he met with chief of staff John Kelly and spoke by phone to Mr. Trump, questions about his future were tabled until the meeting Thursday.

The position of deputy attorney general is ordinarily a relatively low-visibility one in Washington, but Mr. Rosenstein has assumed outsized significan­ce given his appointmen­t of special counsel Robert Mueller to investigat­e potential ties between Russia and Mr. Trump’s 2016 presidenti­al campaign.

Any firing or resignatio­n spells immediate uncertaint­y for an investigat­ion that Mr. Rosenstein oversees and would place that responsibi­lity in the hands of a replacemen­t who Democrats fear would be less respectful of Mr. Mueller’s independen­ce and mandate. Even some congressio­nal Republican­s and Trump aides have warned for months against firing Mr. Rosenstein for fear that it could lead to impeachmen­t.

The commotion about Mr. Rosenstein’s future comes six weeks before midterm elections, with control of Congress at stake. In addition to dealing with the Mueller investigat­ion, the White House also is struggling to win confirmati­on of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in the wake of sexual misconduct allegation­s.

The Trump-Rosenstein meeting will be on the same day as a Senate committee hearing featuring Judge Kavanaugh and a woman who has accused him of sexually assaulting her when they were in high school.

Questions about Mr. Rosenstein’s future, long simmering, took on new life Friday with a New York Times report that in May 2017 discussion­s with FBI and Justice Department officials he suggested the idea of secretly recording Mr. Trump — remarks his defenders insist were merely sarcastic — and of invoking the Constituti­on to have the Cabinet consider removing him from office.

Mr. Rosenstein was summoned to the White House on Friday evening for a conversati­on with Mr. Kelly after which he issued a denial meant to be even sharper in tone than the one the Justice Department sent out hours earlier.

In conversati­ons over the weekend, he offered to Mr. Kelly to resign, though the terms were unclear. He also told White House Counsel Don McGahn that he was considerin­g doing so. Mr. McGahn told Mr. Rosenstein they should discuss the issue Monday, said the person who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private conversati­on.

He met again with Mr. Kelly on Monday and spoke by phone with Mr. Trump, also attending a pre-scheduled meeting at the White House in place of the Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who was traveling. Mr. Rosenstein was captured by photograph­ers leaving the White House after his meetings Monday and was led out by Mr. Kelly, later returning to the White House.

“At the request of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, he and President Trump had an extended conversati­on to discuss the recent news stories,” White House spokeswoma­n Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement. “Because the President is at the United Nations General Assembly and has a full schedule with leaders from around the world, they will meet on Thursday when the President returns to Washington, D.C.”

Despite his “You’re Fired!” tagline from his “The Apprentice” reality show days, the president has shown himself reluctant to directly fire aides himself. While his White House has been marked with unpreceden­ted staff turnover, Mr. Trump has often left the task to deputies, including Mr. Kelly.

He dispatched his former bodyguard to fire FBI Director James Comey — though Mr. Comey was out of town. In other cases, Mr. Trump has publicly and privately shamed staffers, pushing them to resign.

Mr. Trump, who on Friday said that he would remove a “lingering stench” from the Justice Department, did not publicly reveal any plans over the weekend. On Monday, he said he hoped Thursday’s meeting would help him figure out “what’s going on.”

Over the weekend, he appeared undecided on Mr. Rosenstein’s fate, asking confidants, both inside and outside the White House, how to respond to the situation. Some urged him to fire Mr. Rosenstein. Others suggested restraint while checking whether the report was correct or if it was planted by some adversary.

Were Mr. Rosenstein to be forced out, Solicitor General Noel Francisco, the highestran­king Senate-confirmed official below him in the Justice Department, would take control of the Mueller investigat­ion.

 ?? Tom Brenner/The New York Times ?? Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, left, speaks with White House Chief of Staff John Kelly outside the West Wing of the White House on Monday.
Tom Brenner/The New York Times Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, left, speaks with White House Chief of Staff John Kelly outside the West Wing of the White House on Monday.

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