Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Cosby prosecutor asks for 5 to 10 years


The Associated Press

NORRISTOWN, Pa. — Declaring Bill Cosby doesn’t deserve a free pass because of his advanced age, prosecutor­s on Monday asked a judge to sentence the comedian to five to 10 years in prison for drugging and sexually assaulting a woman, while the defense argued that he is too old and helpless to do time behind bars.

“What does an 81-year-old man do in prison?” defense attorney Joseph Green asked on Day 1 of the sentencing hearing for Mr. Cosby, who is legally blind and dependent on others. “How does he fight off the people who are trying to extort him, or walk to the mess hall?”

Mr. Green suggested that Mr. Cosby instead receive something akin to house arrest.

Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele said that he has no doubt Mr. Cosby would commit another such offense if given the opportunit­y, warning that the TV star seemingly gets a sexual thrill out of slipping women drugs and assaulting them.

“So to say that he’s too old to do that — to say that he should get a pass, because it’s taken this long to catch up to what he’s done?” Mr. Steele said, his voice rising. “What they’re asking for is a ‘get out of jail free’ card.”

And he said the sentence should send a message to others.

“Despite bullying tactics, despite PR teams and other folks trying to change the optics, as one lawyer for the defense put it, the bottom line is that nobody’s above the law. Nobody,” the district attorney said.

Judge Steven O’Neill is expected to sentence Mr. him. His wife of 54 years, Camille, was not in court. Several of the jurors who convicted him watched the hearing on a monitor in an overflow courtroom.

Cosby spokesman Andrew Wyatt told reporters in the afternoon that the entertaine­r was in “great, great” spirits.

“We tell him to stay strong and stay focused, and he’s focused on Mrs. Cosby, and that’s what matters in his family,” Mr. Wyatt said. “He’s a great guy. He’s still America’s Dad, and they won’t ever take that away. You can’t take away the legacy.”

In the years since Ms. Constand first went to police in 2005, more than 60 women have accused Mr. Cosby of sexual misconduct, though none of those claims have led to criminal charges. At least two of those women, including former model Janice Dickinson, were in the courtroom for the start of the sentencing.

Prosecutor­s had hoped to have some of the other accusers address the court at the hearing. But the district attorney’s office told The Associated Press that would not happen.

A few hours before the hearing, Ms. Constand tweeted Ephesians 4:26, a Bible verse about letting go of anger: “Be wrathful, but do not sin; do not let the sun set while you are still angry; do not give the Devil an opportunit­y.”

Mr. Cosby, who grew up in public housing in Philadelph­ia, became the first black actor to star in a prime-time TV show, “I Spy,” in 1965. He remained a Hollywood A-lister for much of the next half-century, hitting his peak in the 1980s with the top-rated “Cosby Show” as the warm, wisecracki­ng dad, Dr. Cliff Huxtable.

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