Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Trump signs $854 billion spending bill


Compiled from news services

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has signed an $854 billion spending bill to keep the federal government open through Dec. 7, averting a government shutdown in the weeks leading up to the November midterm elections.

That’s according to a White House official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the action.

Mr. Trump signed the legislatio­n to fund the military and several civilian agencies without journalist­s present at the White House. The House and Senate approved the spending plan earlier this week.

Mr. Trump’s signature avoids a shutdown before the Nov. 6 elections that will determine control of Congress. But he has expressed frustratio­n that the bill doesn’t pay for his long-stalled wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

WASHINGTON — Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has agreed to speak privately with lawmakers following reports that he had discussed secretly recording President Donald Trump.

A source said Mr. Rosenstein agreed to the meeting during a call Thursday evening with the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Rep. Bob Goodlatte. The Virginia Republican said Friday he was working out details with the Justice Department for a closed-door session.

“There are many questions we have for Mr. Rosenstein, including questions about allegation­s made against him in a recent news article,” Mr. Goodlatte said

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