Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Study says residents in every state want higher base wage

- By Christophe­r Ingraham

The United States has one of the lowest minimum wages of the world’s wealthy nations. It may come as no surprise, then, that minimum wage hikes are popular with voters: An August 2016 Pew Research Center survey, for instance, found that 58 percent of Americans supported doubling the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $15, with 41 percent opposed.

But Republican­s in Congress have shown little interest in increasing the minimum wage in recent years. As a result, most minimum wage action now happens at the state level: In 2018 alone, minimum wage hikes went into effect in at least 18 states.

Even at the state level, politician­s aren’t particular­ly responsive to what voters want when it comes to the minimum wage. That’s been underscore­d in new research, published this month in the American Journal of Political Science, showing that in every single state in the union, minimum wages are set at levels well below what state residents say they prefer.

“On average, state minimum wages are set at a level approximat­ely two dollars per hour lower than the wage state residents would prefer,” the researcher­s found.

Arriving at this conclusion was fairly straightfo­rward: In a nationally representa­tive survey, the researcher­s told state residents what the minimum wage in their state was, and followed up with an open-ended question asking what respondent­s thought the minimum wage should be.

The researcher­s characteri­ze the resulting gap as a policy bias: the disconnect between what voters prefer and what legislator­s enact.

In all 50 states, this bias runs in the same direction: toward policy that is more conservati­ve than what the public wants. This finding reinforces the results of a number of other studies published this year, which show that lawmakers — Democratic and Republican alike — govern more conservati­vely than what their constituen­ts desire.

One chief reason for this disconnect: Research shows that state and federal lawmakers believe that the public is more conservati­ve than it actually is. In part, that’s due to the influence of corporate lobbyists and donors, who tend to run more conservati­ve than the general population and who have much more access to lawmakers than the average citizen.

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