Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Shutdown impasse should not be taken lightly


While I do not agree with every editorial the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette publishes, I respect the right to drift to a more conservati­ve approach. I have friends who have canceled their subscripti­on due to the PG’s opinions, but I continue to subscribe so as to not filter my political opinions in one exclusive direction.

The current government shutdown and the political battle between the Trump administra­tion and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s caucus is deplorable. Their inability to find common ground leaves some 800,000 federal workers without a paycheck. I fear that the economic instabilit­y of these dedicated employees is considered nothing more than collateral damage in this political squabble.

The editorial cartoon choices are sometimes funny, sometimes not; so be it. But Sunday’s editorial cartoon regarding the government shutdown impasse is an insult to both sides of the issue. The editorial board has sunk to a new low when they frame this very serious lapse in governing by critiquing Ms. Pelosi’s physical appearance but not the important issues behind the shutdown.

When someone resorts to criticizin­g the appearance of others, he has lost the argument. Most importantl­y, the PG may lose readership. Losing subscripti­ons over a political debate may win the day, but the loss of subscripti­on revenue will have a negative effect on the rank and file employees of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Those dedicated PG workers may be the next group of economic collateral damage. KATHY BUCK Ross

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