Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

U.S. can escape the graveyard of empires

Afghanista­n is a Gordian knot. Here’s how to slice it apart

- James Stavridis is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist.

The problems in Afghanista­n often feel intractabl­e, like a knot of countless ropes bound together. Every time a strand is pulled, another part of the knot tightens up. Currently, the Taliban refuse to have talks with the Afghan government, which they label a puppet regime; the Kabul government insists that any power-sharing agreement allow limited numbers of Western troops to remain; the Pakistanis, who have long sheltered Taliban leaders, are unwilling to fully encourage a peace settlement; the U.S. and its NATO partners are sick of war and want out; the Russians play a complex double game, sometimes encouragin­g the Taliban and other times working with the government; and India and China covet the rare-earth metals and other minerals under the dry soil — perhaps $2 trillion worth.

But there are also some distinct signs of progress, due largely to Zalmay Khalilzad, who last year took over as the U.S. special representa­tive to the reconcilia­tion process. I know Zal well, and as the saying goes, if he didn’t exist we’d have to invent him. He was born in Mazare-Sharif in northern Afghanista­n, received a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and has served as a U.S. ambassador three times (to the United Nations, Afghanista­n and Iraq). Mr. Khalilzad is a highly creative thinker and diplomat.

He has moved the situation to a serious level of dialogue through a variety of techniques, including a shifting cast of characters at the talks, keeping the Taliban and the Afghan government from having to sit directly with each other, moving the location to Qatar, Pakistan and other “neutral” sites, engaging Russia and Pakistan effectivel­y, and keeping strategic communicat­ions flowing.

Partly, these gains stem from war fatigue on both sides. When I was supreme allied commander overseeing 150,000 U.S. and coalition troops in the field, we made good progress pushing the Taliban out of all urban areas, educating the youth (including young girls for the first time since the Taliban rule), helping the dismal economy start to grow and extending life expectancy. With now about 14,000 U.S. troops, we have reduced our military footprint more than 80 percent with a commensura­te drop in casualties.

On the Taliban side, a new generation of leaders seems increasing­ly tired of the conflict as well. They have indicated a willingnes­s to talk about allowing a powershari­ng arrangemen­t, permitting women to hold on to some of their hard-won rights, and perhaps creating a system of local self-government that would allow some flexibilit­y in their previously rigid adherence to Sharia law. Perhaps most important, the Pakistanis seem willing to consider an Afghan government not dominated solely by their Taliban clients.

The Taliban have also made recent gains on the ground, and Afghan Security Force casualties have risen to unacceptab­le levels. President Ashraf Ghani understand­s that reaching a deal is urgent.

All this is a sea change, giving a better than even chance to end this diplomatic­ally with a settlement that allows Taliban participat­ion in fair elections. Getting there will require all sides to back off some of their hardline positions. A twopronged approach can help U.S. engineer that outcome: Let the Afghan government know that patience is running out, and keep the military pressure on the Taliban.

The U.S. experience in Vietnam is instructiv­e: While the vast majority of troops left in 1972, the South Vietnamese held on for three more years because the U.S. continued to finance their military. Saigon fell finally in 1975 when the Congress slashed the funding. Letting the Taliban know that the U.S. learned from that experience and plans to keep money flowing to the Afghan military, and to maintain a relatively small counterter­rorism force to face al-Qaida and the Islamic State, would keep the pressure on them as well.

Afghanista­n has long been called the “Graveyard of Empires.” That sobriquet usually refers to the British Raj of the 19th century and the failed Soviet experience in the 20th century. But the first European to conquer that troublesom­e land and hold power — at least for a time — did it more than two millennium­s earlier: Alexander the Great. In his novel “The Afghan Campaign,” Steven Pressfield provides a vivid portrait of the young king, his military victories and eventual political defeat.

Before his march to Asia, the legend goes, Alexander was confronted with an intricatel­y tied, seemingly impossible tangle of rope in the city of Gordius in modern-day Turkey. It was said that whoever could untie the knot would one day conquer all of Asia. The impetuous young king tried his hand at unraveling it, was instantly frustrated and then simply took out his sword and cut the bonds. He did go on to conquer Egypt and much of Asia, including Afghanista­n.

Let’s hope Zal Khalilzad is just the diplomat to cut today’s Gordian knot. The key will be persuading both sides to accept a compromise that is far from perfect for either, but allows Afghanista­n to move forward.

 ?? Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images ?? Former U.S. Ambassador to Afghanista­n Zalmay Khalilzad, pictured, has been negotiatin­g an end to the Afghanista­n war.
Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images Former U.S. Ambassador to Afghanista­n Zalmay Khalilzad, pictured, has been negotiatin­g an end to the Afghanista­n war.

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