Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Fauci tests negative for COVID-19


The nation’s top infectious disease expert said he tested negative for coronaviru­s Saturday when asked why he wasn’t wearing a face mask as the pandemic spreads across the nation.

“There are a couple of reasons . ... In fact, the major reason to wear a face mask is to protect you from infecting you,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday at a news conference with the White House coronaviru­s task force. “I had my test yesterday, and it’s negative.”

President Donald Trump added: “Very good answer.”

Dr. Fauci’s comment comes after Mr. Trump announced last week that he had tested negative for coronaviru­s a second time, highlighti­ng the unique challenge facing the White House as officials grapple with both how to contain the virus and take steps to avoid spreading it in the executive branch and task force.

Dr. Fauci, who serves on the task force, warned Americans in an interview on CBS earlier Sunday that “it is going to be a bad week” ahead as there is an escalation in cases, but that “within a week” or so, the number of cases should start to flatten out.

“Are you saying, doctor, despite the deaths that we may see, that mitigation is working, and that you do have this outbreak under control?” CBS’ Margaret Brennan asked Dr. Fauci.

“I will not say we have it under control, Margaret. That would be a false statement. We are struggling to get it under control, and that’s the issue that’s at hand right now,” Dr. Fauci replied.

Greece puts migrant facility on lockdown

Greece has put a migrant facility outside Athens on lockdown for 14 days after a 53-year-old Afghan developed coronaviru­s symptoms Saturday afternoon.

Authoritie­s say the man has been taken to an Athens hospital and is under “full medical evaluation.” They have not specified the seriousnes­s of his condition.

The lockdown began Sunday morning. The facility is called an “open” one in official parlance, meaning the migrants there could leave and enter as they wished.

There are about 2,500 migrants living there, not all of whom are registered, according to Mihalis Hassiotis, a municipal councillor of Oropos, a town north of Athens where the facility is located.

The migrants stay in containers in crowded conditions. Mr. Hassiotis says the facility was designed initially for 500 and expanded over the years.

Fauci: Coronaviru­s could become seasonal

Dr. Anthony Fauci said there is a very good chance the new coronaviru­s “will assume a seasonal nature” because it is unlikely to be under control globally.

Dr. Fauci is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. He said the virus is unlikely to be completely eradicated from the planet this year. That means the U.S. could see the “beginning of a resurgence” during the next flu season.

Dr. Fauci said the prospect of a resurgence is the reason the U.S. is working so hard to get its preparedne­ss “better than it was.” He said that includes working to develop a vaccine and conducting clinical trials on therapeuti­c interventi­ons.

Dr. Fauci also said states that don’t have stay-athome orders are not putting the rest of the country at risk as much as they are putting themselves at risk.

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