Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Reschentha­ler blasts China, WHO on conservati­ve media

- By Daniel Moore

WASHINGTON — The headlines kept rolling in for Guy Reschentha­ler: a Breitbart News Network exclusive; spots at 6 a.m. and 5:40 p.m. on Fox Business; two segments on Newsmax TV’s “National Report”; a Zoom-facilitate­d interview with Rose Tennent, a conservati­ve commentato­r who regularly hosts top Trump surrogates and Cabinet officials.

The first-term Republican congressma­n from Peters blasted out the sound bites and quotes — all from the last week or so — on Twitter and shared the full interviews on his YouTube channel.

It is rare to see any member of the Pennsylvan­ia congressio­nal delegation, let alone a freshman lawmaker, so regularly and prominentl­y featured in national media networks. Yet Mr. Reschentha­ler’s recent surge in guest spots on conservati­ve media networks comes as Republican­s seek to align behind President Donald Trump as he ramps up his re-election campaign amid the COVID-19 pandemic that has roiled the country.

Lately, that has meant moving in lockstep with the White House as the Trump administra­tion accuses China of downplayin­g and mishandlin­g the COVID-19 outbreak — and blames the World Health Organizati­on for covering up Chinese misdeeds.

Mr. Reschentha­ler’s media blitz

gained some broader clarity Thursday, when he was among 15 House Republican­s named to the China Task Force.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., announced the panel would investigat­e “a wide range of China-related issues,” including operations to influence U.S. universiti­es, think tanks and media outlets, and threaten the U.S. economy.

“We have learned more about COVID, and one thing has become very clear: China’s cover-up directly led to this crisis,” Mr. McCarthy told reporters at the Capitol. “The Communist Party of China hid the seriousnes­s of this disease, led a propaganda campaign blaming the U.S., used their supplies to exert influence and continue to refuse internatio­nal experts to investigat­e what happened.”

The task force included another first-term Pennsylvan­ia congressma­n: Rep. John Joyce, R-Blair. Mr. Joyce, a medical doctor and member of the the House Committee on Homeland Security, was nominated for his “deep knowledge of our medical system” and the U.S. dependency on China for medical equipment, Mr. McCarthy said in a news release.

Mr. Reschentha­ler almost certainly got a heads-up on the panel. He holds the freshman seat on the Elected Leadership Committee of the House Republican Conference, where he represents 43 other Republican newcomers in weekly strategy meetings with the party’s most senior lawmakers, including Mr. McCarthy.

Mr. Reschentha­ler’s star rose during Mr. Trump’s impeachmen­t inquiry last fall, jumping on TV and radio interviews to defend the president and once showing up at the House Republican­s’ weekly news conference.

Last month, Mr. Reschentha­ler was the one who signaled the GOP’s coming focus on China. He sponsored a resolution to withhold U.S. funding to the WHO until an internatio­nal commission investigat­ed the global health body — hours later, Mr. Trump announced he would do just that.

In an interview with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette last week, Mr. Reschentha­ler said China “lied about the virus” and that the WHO leader needed to resign.

“That needs to be examined,” he said. “We need to look at how China is manipulati­ng the World Health Organizati­on.”

In response to follow-up questions, Mr. Reschentha­ler denied that the inspiratio­n to take on the WHO and China came from anywhere other than his deep desire to push back on what he sees as Chinese Communist Party’s influence on global institutio­ns.

“I present my own views and opinions in interviews,” he said.

From his dining room, he sets up an iPad using a $38 tripod he bought on Amazon. He usually stands in front of a world map that he uses to track everywhere he has traveled, complete with a Winston Churchill quote in the bottom left: “As long as you are generous and true and also fierce, you cannot hurt the world.”

The congressma­n then opined on a wide range of topics.

He called out Democrats for their defense of presumptiv­e Democratic presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden, who is facing sexual assault allegation­s.

He said the FBI had politicall­y targeted Gen. Michael Flynn, Mr. Trump’s first national security adviser who was charged with lying to investigat­ors. (The Justice Department dropped charges Thursday.)

He called on the House Intelligen­ce Committee to release transcript­s related to

Mr. Trump’s impeachmen­t inquiry.

He hit on some pandemicre­lated concerns as well, criticizin­g Gov. Tom Wolf for his handling of the crisis.

“Gov. Wolf used a plan that fit best for Philadelph­ia across the entire state,” he wrote, tweeting out a Newsmax TV appearance on May 1.

But he kept coming back to China.

“The bottom line of the Democrats’ behavior is this: They hate this president so badly that they would rather side with the Chinese Communist Party than defend Americans,” he told Breitbart News, earning him an “exclusive” headline.

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