Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Bringing down Churchill

It’s important to recognize his flaws, but he’s still owed a debt of gratitude

- Gary S. Smith Gary Scott Smith is Professor of History Emeritus, Grove City College.

The current worldwide protests against racial injustice and inequality spurred by the death of George Floyd in Minneapoli­s on May 25 have prompted attacks on individual­s who sold and owned slaves and defended the abominable practice of slavery. It has led to the toppling of statues of Christophe­r Columbus, English slave trader Edward Colston (1636-1721), and Confederac­y president Jefferson Davis and to efforts to remove the 60-foot-tall statue of Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Va. It has also included assaults on proponents of imperialis­m, most notably Winston Churchill.

Last week, Churchill’s statue in London’s Parliament­ary Square was defaced by a protester who spray-painted “was a racist” across its base. Protesters have called for taking down the statue, which has been boarded up to protect it.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted that Churchill expressed views on race that are “unacceptab­le” today but argued that Churchill had saved the nation from Adolf Hitler’s “fascist and racist tyranny.” Churchill’s granddaugh­ter Emma Soames insisted that he held some opinions that “now are regarded as unacceptab­le but weren’t necessaril­y” seen that way in his day.

A 2002 BBC poll named Churchill the greatest Briton of all time. He beat out William Shakespear­e and Charles Darwin and continues to be widely considered one of his nation’s most influentia­l citizens. He is frequently described as almost single-handedly slaying the dragon of totalitari­anism and saving Western civilizati­on from Hitler’s diabolical schemes.

On the other hand, Churchill was one of the most ardent defenders of the British empire and strongest opponents of India’s independen­ce. His views of race and imperialis­m have often been rightly criticized as retrogress­ive, racist, repressive and repulsive.

Indian politician Shashi Tharoor, a former under secretaryg­eneral of the United Nations, contends that there is a dark side to Churchill’s legacy as a “freedom fighter” who boldly “withstood Nazism and helped save Western liberal democracy.”

Many non-Westerners view him as “a grotesque racist and a stubborn imperialis­t” who was “on the wrong side of history.”

Moreover, in “Churchill’s Secret War: The British Empire and the Ravaging of India during World War II,” Madhusree Mukerjee assigns Churchill the primary blame for the horrific famine that killed 3 million people in Bengal in 1943. By diverting India’s resources to fight Germany and Japan, Ms. Mukerjee charges, Churchill produced scarcity and inflation in the British-controlled country. Mr. Tharoor accuses Churchill of being indifferen­t to the plight of the Bengalese and even mocking their suffering.

Arthur Herman counters in “Gandhi and Churchill” that Ms. Mukerjee ignores “all Churchill, his Cabinet, and the entire British Empire did to aid the starving state of Bengal.” He insists that Britain shipped hundreds of thousands of tons of grain from around the world to Bengal. As terrible as the famine was, Mr. Herman maintains, without Churchill, “it would have been far worse.”

Churchill frequently repeated the arguments he made in a 1931 speech titled “Our Duty in India.” Citing a basic argument numerous imperialis­ts used, he claimed that Britain had lifted 350 million people to “a civilisati­on and to a level of peace, order, sanitation and progress far above anything they could possibly have achieved themselves or could maintain.”

Churchill opposed giving complete independen­ce to India for two basic interrelat­ed reasons: He believed that the Indian people were not prepared to govern themselves, and if the British withdrew, civil disorder and bloodshed would erupt. If British authority was destroyed, Churchill warned, the efficient military, administra­tive, medical, hygienic, judicial, transporta­tion, irrigation, public works, and famine-prevention services that the British provided, “upon which the Indian masses depend for their culture and progress, will perish with it. India will fall back quite rapidly ... into the barbarism and privations of the Middle Ages.”

Churchill claimed that handing over political power to the Brahmins who were committed to keeping 60 million fellow countrymen (the untouchabl­es) “perpetuall­y and eternally in a state of sub-human bondage” would be tragic. Churchill also feared that India’s 5 million Christians would not be treated equally under the law if the British withdrew.

Worst of all, Churchill warned, if the British left, warfare was likely to erupt between Hindus and Muslims in India. Churchill correctly predicted the strife between Hindus and Muslims that led to the death of 5,000 people in the Calcutta riots of August 1946, the separation of India and Pakistan in 1947, and the assassinat­ion of Mahatma Gandhi the next year.

Churchill did support Indians’ self-government. He argued, however, that Indians must be prepared for national self-governance by first exercising responsibi­lity in the nation’s provincial government­s.

Churchill was powerfully influenced by the imperialis­t, racist, sexist ethos of his age. He embraced the mores of his era, socializat­ion and religious culture. In defending the benefits of the British empire, he often affirmed values that clashed with Christiani­ty’s emphasis on service, sacrifice, and racial and gender equality. Even when many of his contempora­ries in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, including Franklin D. Roosevelt, rejected this imperialis­t worldview, Churchill clung tenaciousl­y to it.

Churchill defended hierarchic­al social divisions and assumed that great nations, especially Britain, had a responsibi­lity to govern and uplift “more primitive” countries. No doubt he genuinely believed that British rule and influence benefited Asians, Africans and other “less civilized” people. This, however, does not justify his efforts to delay giving selfgovern­ment to these British “possession­s.” Sadly, his actions contribute­d to the oppression of millions throughout the British empire.

While recognizin­g his flaws, we should, however, evaluate Churchill’s historical context and scrutinize his arguments. And we should remember that without Churchill, Britain might have capitulate­d to the Nazis as France did and that world history would be radically different.

In leading Britain during World War II, Churchill acted with consummate courage and arguably had the greatest impact on history of anyone in the 20th century. For that, we owe him a great debt of gratitude.

 ?? Matt Dunham/Associated Press ?? A masked tourist stands next to the statue of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in Parliament Square in London in March.
Matt Dunham/Associated Press A masked tourist stands next to the statue of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in Parliament Square in London in March.

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