Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

• Biden again tests negative for COVID- 19, vows to release future results


WASHINGTON Democratic presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden again tested negative for COVID19 on Sunday, and his campaign is committing to releasing the results of all future COVID- 19 tests the candidate takes.

The campaign said Mr. Biden tested negative Sunday; he also had two negative tests Friday, though he told reporters in Wilmington, Del., that he was not tested Saturday.

The results come five days after Mr. Biden spent more than 90 minutes on the debate stage with President — Donald Trump. The president was diagnosed with COVID- 19 days after the debate.

Mr. Biden is scheduled to travel Monday to Florida.

Biden spokesman Andrew Bates repeated Saturday evening that the former vice president is tested “regularly.”

But before Mr. Trump’s diagnosis last week, Mr. Biden had not disclosed the full details of his testing protocol or the results of each test.

Mr. Bates said in the statement that Mr. Biden was not in “close contact” with Mr. Trump, his family members or his aides during their debate Tuesday night in Cleveland.

Mr. Biden’s campaign also emphasized in its latest statement that the former vice president and his campaign have followed public health guidelines for months on wearing masks and social distancing. At the same time, Mr. Trump has held large public rallies without requiring masks or enforcing social distancing.

Meanwhile, one of Mr. Trump’s top campaign staffers took a shot at Mr. Biden for wearing a mask, claiming he’s using it as “a prop.”

“With regard to Joe Biden, I think too often he’s used the mask as a prop,” Trump senior campaign adviser Jason Miller said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

Responding to Mr. Miller’s comments later on ABC, Mr. Biden’s deputy campaign manager, Kate Bedingfiel­d, said the Republican adviser’s attack was a telling sign.

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