Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Barry Goldwater was my grandfathe­r; today’s GOP would have to censure him

- CC Goldwater is the producer of HBO’s “Mr. Conservati­ve: Goldwater on Goldwater.” She wrote this for The Washington Post.

The Arizona Republican Party is considerin­g a censure of Cindy McCain: The draft resolution already passed in committee and will be voted on Saturday by the full body of several hundred state committeem­en. They’ll also be voting on resolution­s to censure former senator Jeff Flake and Gov. Doug Ducey. The resolution reportedly condemns Ms. McCain for supporting “leftist causes such as gay marriage” and issues that “run counter to Republican values”; failing “to support Conservati­ve Republican candidates such as President Donald Trump”; and condemning Mr. Trump for his criticism of her husband.

Leave aside the weirdness of censuring someone who doesn’t take kindly to criticism of her own husband. In the era of Donald Trump, a move like this, sadly, isn’t surprising: Though he’s no longer president, the vindictive spirit Mr. Trump brought to the GOP won’t fade away easily. But what might be a surprise to Arizona’s Republican Party, which appears not to know its history, is that party members are poised to censure a woman whose beliefs line up with the late Republican Sen. Barry Goldwater — Arizona’s “Mr. Conservati­ve” — a lot more closely than theirs.

Goldwater — my beloved grandfathe­r, whom we kids always called “Paka” — was the most conservati­ve national figure in our lifetimes. He admired Americans such as Sen. John McCain who had served their country in uniform. He would have been repulsed by Mr. Trump. And at the end of his career, Paka spoke in favor of gay rights.

So if you go by the Arizona GOP’s list of apparent gripes with Cindy McCain, then censuring her means they would’ve had to censure him, too.

Love him or hate him, to understand my grandfathe­r, it’s important to remember that he was born in Arizona when it was still a territory, not a state. Like many politician­s in the American West, his small-L libertaria­n streak came from a desire to be left as far out of the federal government’s reach as possible. He was criticized in his day for a hawkish posture toward the Soviet Union; and he’s still criticized for voting against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The line often quoted from his 1964 Republican National Convention speech is: “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice” and “moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” He was a hard-liner.

But my grandfathe­r wasn’t a rabble-rouser. He was an institutio­nalist who served for almost two decades in the Senate, became a general in the Air Force Reserve and wrote, in “The Conscience of a Conservati­ve,” that he didn’t lay blame on “my brethren in government” for any failure of conservati­ve principles to gain traction. He believed it was incumbent upon conservati­ves to persuade liberals of the rightness of their ideas.

My grandfathe­r and President Joe Biden served together in the Senate for more than a decade. When my grandfathe­r retired from Congress, then-Rep. John McCain won his Senate seat. Paka certainly had ideologica­l difference­s with both men, but he would have shared their disdain for Mr. Trump, whom he would’ve considered unprincipl­ed, and wouldn’t have considered a true conservati­ve, despite being a Republican in name. Having lost a presidenti­al race himself, my grandfathe­r would have been appalled by the Capitol riot — and by the constituti­onal madness that Mr. Trump encouraged by refusing to accept the November election’s outcome.

A constituti­onalist, Goldwater would have opposed Mr. Trump’s reliance on governing by executive order. As someone who believed in self-reliance, not the crowd, he would have opposed today’s Republican litmus test, which seems to hold that loyalty to Mr. Trump is what matters over loyalty to country. And as someone devoted to individual liberty, he would recoil at the idea that Cindy McCain would face censure for supporting LGBT rights.

As The Washington Post reported in 1994, he came to believe that “the big thing is to make this country, along with every other country in the world with a few exceptions, quit discrimina­ting against people just because they’re gay.” Not everyone had to share his view, he said, but gays and lesbians “have a constituti­onal right to be gay.”

Censuring anyone for speaking their mind isn’t what my grandfathe­r was about. A Republican candidate like Mr. Trump denigratin­g a military hero like Sen. McCain would have been nearly inconceiva­ble. Censuring Cindy McCain, just because she didn’t genuflect to Mr. Trump, would have struck him as stupid.

Arizona’s Republican Party turning its back on traditiona­l conservati­sm would have been a great disappoint­ment to him, but he would have known how to respond: “A lot of so-called conservati­ves today don’t know what the word means,” he said late in his life. Today, they might censure him for it.

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Barry Goldwater

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