Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Catholic Diocese plans procession, national revival

- By Alecia Taylor

The Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh will begin a three-year National Eucharisti­c Revival with a Mass followed by a procession through Oakland on Sunday.

According to a news release from the diocese, Catholics believe that Jesus Christ is present in the form of consecrate­d bread and wine. The revival approved by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is meant to celebrate the belief in Jesus Christ and to welcome people to the religion.

The revival starts nationwide on Sunday. There will be an opening Mass that will begin at noon at St. Paul Cathedral at Fifth Avenue and North Craig Street.

The procession will start at approximat­ely 1:15 at the cathedral, and all Catholics are encouraged to participat­e. The diocese said it expects hundreds to participat­e, “including children who recently made their first Holy Communion, many attired in white suits and dresses.”

“The Eucharist is the source and summit of all Catholic life,” Bishop David Zubik said in the release. “Through this gift He empowers the faithful to do his will and makes them eager to invite others.”

There will be three temporary pauses at altars for prayer during the procession. The diocese said it may impact traffic, and police will be present to direct traffic and allow the procession to pass.

Police will conduct rolling closures of the affected streets, shutting them to traffic only while the procession is passing.

The route will be a circuit from the cathedral, to the right on Fifth Avenue, left on Bigelow Boulevard to Schenley Drive, Schenley Drive Extension, and South Craig Street, ending back at the cathedral for a Benedictio­n.

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