Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

UFOs, blown up pipelines, and other things we don’t know about

- Ross Douthat is a New York Times columnist.

What, exactly, are all the unidentifi­ed flying objects — sorry, sorry — unidentifi­ed aerial phenomena that our military keeps encounteri­ng in the skyfields above planet Earth? Maybe we’ll get an answer. But maybe the takeaway will just be that we have very little idea of what goes on in our own skies, making more outlandish theories seem more credible than they did a few weeks ago.

This would fit one of the patterns of our era, which is what you might call the incomplete reveal.

Sometimes a phenomenon goes from being the subject of crank theories and sub rosa conversati­ons to being more mainstream, but without actually being fully explained or figured out. Or sometimes a controvers­y takes center stage for a little while, a great deal seems to hang upon the answer, and then it isn’t resolved and seems to get forgotten.

What’s at stake in these kinds of cases isn’t a conspiracy theory (though they may give rise to them) but a question or a secret — something that’s acknowledg­ed to matter, that’s theoretica­lly knowable, but that slips away from reach.

What are some other examples? Glad you asked. Here’s a list:

Who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines?

Last week, Seymour Hersh published a story on his Substack alleging that U.S. Navy divers planted the explosives that sabotaged gas pipelines linking Russia to Germany. There are good reasons to doubt the story, starting with its apparent reliance on a single source and working through various factual and plausibili­ty issues. Hersh is famous for breaking important stories and also for getting other stories badly wrong.

But somebody blew up the pipelines. Was it Russia? Parts of Western officialdo­m suggested as much at first, but after months of investigat­ions, we are still waiting for compelling evidence or a compelling argument for why it would be in Moscow’s interest to make it much more difficult to quickly restart the flow of energy they are trying to use for blackmail.

Was it the United States, acting to force Russia into a deeper isolation by weakening their immediate energy leverage over Europe? The Biden administra­tion denies any involvemen­t, and it would have been quite the act of recklessne­ss for an administra­tion that’s been very cautious about direct engagement with the


“In today’s increasing­ly transparen­t world,” the Carnegie Endowment’s Sergey Vakulenko wrote soon after the sabotage, the truth of whodunit “might not stay buried for long.” But many months later, we’ve got Hersh’s dubious claim of excavation and not much else.

Did COVID-19 leak from a Chinese laboratory?

Here the obstacles to certain answers are obvious: The crucial evidence is controlled by an increasing­ly uncooperat­ive authoritar­ian state, the scientific debate is shadowed by the vested interest that some of our own health and science institutio­ns have in “gain of function” research, and the question has been entangled with the Trump-era culture wars.

But imagine if, several years after a major earthquake struck Los Angeles, we still didn’t know whether it was a normal quake or a demolition accidental­ly induced by geological experiment­s conducted by a major geopolitic­al rival. That’s basically where we stand today with the entire pandemic, and our uncertaint­y about its origins is linked to crucial questions about the likelihood of future outbreaks, the wisdom and safety of publicly funded scientific research projects and, of course, our relationsh­ip to China.

However much energy our institutio­ns are putting into resolving this question, it seems like more would be a good idea.

What exactly happened between Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford?

This is a case where partisans on both sides are sure they know the answer, and everybody else has moved on — and maybe moving on is just the reasonable thing.

But Ford’s partisans are still at work, convinced that what’s been lacking is a wider net, more allegation­s beyond hers: A documentar­y on the case from Doug Liman, the director of “Swingers” and “The Bourne Identity,” apparently focuses anew on allegation­s and alleged incidents from Kavanaugh’s time at Yale.

Whereas what I thought during the 2018 Senate hearings, and still think now, is that Ford’s initial accusation should be more amenable to focused investigat­ion. Meaning that, whether Ford was telling the truth or lying or misremembe­ring in some important way, we should be able to get at least a little more certainty from all of the different people who were connected to the alleged house party. I thought then that somebody in greater Georgetown knew more than what had been revealed, one way or another, and I still think that today.

At the very least, I would like to read the final FBI report that senators read before they voted, insufficie­nt as it may have been.

And who knows — maybe I can find that report attached to one of the strings that our pilots thought they saw dangling from the UAP around Lake Huron just before they shot it down.

 ?? Chad Fish via AP ?? In this photo provided by Chad Fish, a large balloon drifts above the Atlantic Ocean, just off the coast of South Carolina, with a fighter jet and its contrail seen below it, Feb. 4.
Chad Fish via AP In this photo provided by Chad Fish, a large balloon drifts above the Atlantic Ocean, just off the coast of South Carolina, with a fighter jet and its contrail seen below it, Feb. 4.

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