Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The Commonweal­th Court may have accidental­ly empowered parents

- David Osborne David Osborne is the senior fellow of labor policy with the Commonweal­th Foundation.

Last month, the Commonweal­th Court of Pennsylvan­ia ordered the legislativ­e and executive branches to deal with unequal school funding, but left open a way for the judicial branch to take a leading role in educationa­l policy — and that will probably lead to frivolous law suits, but could still be a good thing for students.

The court’s controvers­ial decision in William Penn School District et al. v. Pennsylvan­ia Department of Education et al. could end a long-running, high-profile lawsuit over the state’s funding of public schools. It does not provide a specific remedy or even mandate more funding, as the litigants requested. It requires the governor and the legislatur­e to come up with a new education policy — not necessaril­y a more expensive one — that doesn’t create disparitie­s across school districts.

For years, Pennsylvan­ia courts consistent­ly avoided deciding what it meant for the General Assembly to provide a “thorough and efficient” public educationa­l system, as the state constituti­on requires. Judges worried that they would find themselves in a position to decide how best to educate the commonweal­th’s children, a role for which they are both unprepared and unqualifie­d. Instead, courts insisted that the General Assembly — the more flexible, more representa­tive, and more politicall­y accountabl­e branch –— should figure out what “thorough and efficient” would look like. This case changes all of that. The Commonweal­th Court concluded that the “thorough and efficient” requiremen­t is not only a measuremen­t for policy success, but also a guarantee that Pennsylvan­ia must provide every child with “access to a comprehens­ive, effective, and contempora­ry system of public education” and that “every student receives a meaningful opportunit­y to succeed academical­ly, socially, and civically.”

This new language effectivel­y amends the state constituti­on. That means that it – and future judicial decisions over the right to a thorough and efficient education – will take precedence over laws passed by the General Assembly, regulation­s issued by the Pennsylvan­ia Department of Education, or policies created by local school districts.

Parents could now circumvent, even trump, the political process by suing in state court.

One inevitable result will be a flood of new lawsuits filed by angry parents represente­d by hungry lawyers pushing obscure educationa­l theories on judges with no training in education policy. And that could be bad for everyone.

Pennsylvan­ia may see expensive lawsuits over the constituti­onality of poor teaching, student suspension­s, ineffectiv­e school curricula, or even the nutritiona­l quality of school lunches. The decisions in these cases may be good for the plaintiffs but wildly unpopular with the public. Either way, because the courts reached these rulings outside the normal political process, their determinat­ions will be nearly impossible to change.

That’s the bad news. On the other hand, the new language opens up exciting possibilit­ies for creative thinking on educationa­l reform that Pennsylvan­ia’s powerful teacher unions have historical­ly buried in the legislatur­e.

What if, for example, kids — zoned for failing, unsafe schools — now win a new right to attend a better school, across town? If the Commonweal­th Court is serious about giving “every student” a “meaningful opportunit­y to succeed,” students in poorer areas of the state should have the same opportunit­ies as those in wealthier areas — and shouldn’t have to wait for the school in their zip code to get its act together.

Courts could decide that the best way to accomplish educationa­l equality is by empowering parents to choose where their children receive an education.

Or what if parents could challenge harmful policies pushed by teacher unions that protect teachers at the expense of their kids’ education? Right now, unions come to terms with school district negotiator­s in private meetings in which parents have little or no input. The result is a mixture of seniority preference­s that reward teachers’ longevity over merit, grievance processes that make it hard to fire bad teachers, and misuse of public resources, which unions exploit to pursue their political and organizing objectives. Parents could sue to ensure that these policies either start serving the interests of students or get abolished.

If the courts are going to wade into educationa­l policy, let’s focus on how they could do so for the better. Pennsylvan­ia is falling behind other states like Arizona and Iowa that recently passed universal school choice programs, which empower all students to choose the education setting that works best for them. Given the proven difficulty of securing school choice options and fighting the teacher unions in Pennsylvan­ia, maybe open-minded judges trying to work through this new area of law will prove to be better allies to our poorly educated children.

While the full implicatio­ns of the court’s decision remain to be seen, the ruling could usher in new opportunit­ies for students and families across the commonweal­th, and even the nation. Other states will be watching.

 ?? Julio Cortez/Associated Press ?? The exterior of the Pennsylvan­ia Judicial Center, home to the Commonweal­th Court in Harrisburg, Pa.
Julio Cortez/Associated Press The exterior of the Pennsylvan­ia Judicial Center, home to the Commonweal­th Court in Harrisburg, Pa.

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