Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Taliban’s far-reaching reliance on WhatsApp hits wall

- By Christina Goldbaum and Safiullah Padshah

KABUL, Afghanista­n — Late one night two months ago, a team of Taliban security officers assembled on the outskirts of Afghanista­n’s capital to prepare for a raid on an Islamic State group hideout.

As the zero hour approached, the men fiddled with their automatic rifles while their leader, Habib Rahman Inqayad, scrambled to get the exact location of their target. He grabbed his colleagues’ phones and called their superiors, who insisted they had sent him the location pin of the target to his WhatsApp.

There was just one problem: WhatsApp had blocked his account to comply with U.S. sanctions.

“The only way we communicat­e is WhatsApp — and I didn’t have access,” said Mr. Inqayad, 25, whom The New York Times has followed since the Taliban seized power in August 2021.

He was not alone. In recent months, complaints from Taliban officials, police and soldiers of their WhatsApp accounts being banned or temporaril­y deactivate­d have become widespread, disruption­s that have illuminate­d how the messaging platform has become a backbone of the Taliban’s nascent government. Those interrupti­ons also underscore the consequenc­es of internatio­nal sanctions on a government that has become among the most isolated in the world.

The U.S. has long criminaliz­ed any form of support for the Taliban. Consequent­ly, WhatsApp, which is owned by Facebook, scans group names, descriptio­ns and group profile photos on the messaging app to identify users among the Taliban and block their accounts, according to a spokespers­on for the company.

The policy has been in place since U.S. sanctions were enacted more than two decades ago. Even when the Taliban were an insurgency, the ban handicappe­d some fighters who relied on the app because it catered to people with neither literacy nor technologi­cal skills. Using WhatsApp’s voice message feature, they could send messages and listen to the verbal instructio­ns from their commanders with the press of a button.

But over the past two years, the Taliban’s reliance on WhatsApp has become even more far-reaching as smartphone use has proliferat­ed and 4G networks have improved across Afghanista­n with the end of the U.S.led war. As the Taliban have consolidat­ed control and settled into governance, the inner bureaucrat­ic workings of their administra­tion have also become more organized — with WhatsApp central to their official communicat­ions.

Government department­s use WhatsApp groups to disseminat­e informatio­n among employees. Officials rely on other groups to distribute statements to journalist­s and transmit official communiqué­s between ministries. Security forces plan and coordinate raids on Islamic State group cells, criminal networks and resistance fighters from their phones on the app.

“WhatsApp is so important to us — all my work depends on it,” said Shir Ahmad Burhani, a police spokespers­on for the Taliban administra­tion in Baghlan Province, in northern Afghanista­n. “If there were no WhatsApp, all our administra­tive and non-administra­tive work would be paralyzed.”

Today, experts estimate that around 70% of Afghanista­n’s population has access to a cellphone. Like millions across the globe, Afghans depend on WhatsApp’s speed and flexibilit­y to communicat­e.

Since the Taliban seized power, the popularity and accessibil­ity of WhatsApp among the group’s ranks has grown rapidly. Former Taliban fighters began using their smartphone­s around the clock, no longer afraid that Western forces could use the signal to track or target them in drone strikes, they say.

But the cat-and-mouse game of shutting down accounts has become a headache for officials in the Taliban administra­tion — an almost daily reminder that the government they lead is all but shunned on the world stage.

No foreign government has formally recognized the Taliban administra­tion. The U.S. government’s freeze on billions of dollars of assets belonging to the Afghan central bank has hindered the economy.

Travel bans have kept Taliban leaders from meeting some dignitarie­s. Some social platforms including Twitter and YouTube, have allowed Taliban members to use them, but the country’s most popular messaging app is technicall­y off-limits.

 ?? Jim Huylebroek/The New York Times ?? Zahid Omar, a Talib, exchanges voice messages over WhatsApp at a park in Kabul, Afghanista­n, earlier this year. The Taliban administra­tion is stuck in a cat-and-mouse game with WhatsApp, which is off-limits to the nascent government because of U.S. sanctions.
Jim Huylebroek/The New York Times Zahid Omar, a Talib, exchanges voice messages over WhatsApp at a park in Kabul, Afghanista­n, earlier this year. The Taliban administra­tion is stuck in a cat-and-mouse game with WhatsApp, which is off-limits to the nascent government because of U.S. sanctions.

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