Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Keep online porn from children by treating them as if they were adults

- David Brooks David Brooks is a columnist for the New York Times.

New Yorkers above a certain age remember the old Times Square. Peep shows, adult bookstores and live sex shows stretched on for block after block. And now? While no one would call Times Square entirely family friendly, it is radically different from the 1970s version captured in HBO’s prostituti­on-and-porn series “The Deuce.” Rezoning, economic developmen­t and law enforcemen­t crackdowns on illegal activity helped corral the sex trade and revitalize the city.

We’re overdue for another cleanup of our public spaces. But this time the work to be done is not on city streets but in the wilds of the online universe. And we can use our successes in Times Square as a conceptual legal model for reforming these virtual public spaces.

The core issue is kids, specifical­ly kids’ extraordin­arily easy access to pornograph­y online.

Dark adult worlds

For the nation’s youth, their smartphone­s can and too often do function as a hand-held version of Times Square, circa 1975 — but without any age limits. They can plunge into the darkest of adult worlds, and they can do so without their parents having the faintest idea of what is filling their young minds.

Last week, The Free Press published a powerful essay with a provocativ­e title: “I Had a Helicopter Mom. I Found Pornhub Anyway,” by Isabel Hogben, a 16-year-old girl. She wrote of discoverin­g porn at age 10 on a website that had “no age verificati­on” and “no ID requiremen­t.” It didn’t even have an age prompt asking her if she was over 18. And what did she see after she clicked the link? “Simulated incest, bestiality, extreme bondage, sex with unconsciou­s women, gangbangs, sadomasoch­ism and unthinkabl­e physical violence.”

It should be self-evident that 10-year-olds (and 16-year-olds) should not be viewing the images Hogben encountere­d. Our nation has long placed legal age limits on access to sexually explicit content offline, in the real world. That content is not magically rendered more benign simply because the images are viewed on a phone or laptop.

So why not bring our offline doctrines to the online world? If we can impose age limits and age verificati­on offline, we can online as well. If we can zone adult establishm­ents away from kids offline, we can online as well. And if we do these things, we can improve the virtual world for our children without violating the fundamenta­l rights of adults.

Our nation tried this before. In 1996, Congress passed the Communicat­ions Decency Act, which criminaliz­ed the “knowing” transmissi­on of “obscene or indecent” material online to minors. In 1997, however, the Supreme Court struck down the act’s age limits in Reno v. ACLU, relying in part on a lower court finding that there “is no effective way to determine the identity or the age of a user.”

Wholly inadequate protection­s

It is now 2023, and in 2023 secure credit card use and age verificati­on online are practicall­y ubiquitous. There are age limits for users on Instagram, Facebook, Reddit and X, for example.

Yes, creative kids can circumvent age restrictio­ns, but creating additional hurdles to the acquisitio­n of porn still matters. When multiple states passed age-verificati­on laws, for example, Pornhub responded by pulling out of some of them.

Yes, age verificati­on will make porn slightly more difficult to obtain for adults. But age verificati­on and zoning in the real, nonvirtual world also create slight difficulti­es for adults yet remain legal.

As ID requiremen­ts for strip clubs and other adult establishm­ents demonstrat­e, adults do not have a constituti­onal right to access to pornograph­ic materials with complete anonymity. And as zoning laws that restrict sex-oriented businesses to certain areas demonstrat­e, they do not have a constituti­onal right to convenient pornograph­y.

Why does the Supreme Court’s 1997 ruling matter so much? Because two days after The Free Press published Hogben’s essay, a federal judge in Texas blocked enforcemen­t of that state’s age verificati­on law, citing Reno v. ACLU. It is and will be difficult to craft a constituti­onally permissibl­e age verificati­on law as long as that outdated analysis remains a leading precedent.

But Texas is likely to appeal its loss, and the Supreme Court may soon get an opportunit­y to reconsider its precedent in light of the considerab­le developmen­ts in the internet since it first blocked age verificati­on laws.

Only a technical challenge

This is not a partisan issue. In Louisiana, for example, a legislator named Laurie Schlegel introduced an age verificati­on bill that, as Politico reported, “sailed through” the state House 96-1 and the state Senate 34-0.

I’ve never met any parents, no matter how conservati­ve or how progressiv­e, how religious or how secular, who wanted their children to be able to view graphic porn. Thus, our nation’s challenge is more technical than constituti­onal.

The need is clear, and the technology is ready.

Congress should try once again to clean up the internet the way cities cleaned up their red-light districts. The law must do what it can to restrict access to pornograph­y for children online.

 ?? Daniel Marsula / Post-Gazette ??
Daniel Marsula / Post-Gazette

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