Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Christie’s exit scrambles race, gives hope to anti-Trump forces in N.H.

- By Maeve Reston and Colby Itkowitz

WINDHAM, N.H. — Chris Christie’s exit Wednesday night upended a presidenti­al race that has been stagnant for months — creating a glimmer of hope for Republican­s opposed to Donald Trump that they could slow his seemingly inevitable march to the nomination here in New Hampshire.

Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley now has an opportunit­y to win the Granite State’s more independen­t voters looking for an alternativ­e to Mr. Trump who otherwise might have voted for Mr. Christie. His supporters often named Ms. Haley as their second choice, and many voters say they are undecided in a state where there have been late swings in the primary historical­ly.

Jim Merrill, a longtime New Hampshire Republican strategist, said Mr. Christie’s withdrawal has turned the contest here into a “a two-person race” ahead of the Jan. 23 primary.

“After a year of everyone scrapping amongst themselves, for the next 13 days here, it’s all about Haley versus-Trump,” Mr. Merrill said.

The shake-up in the race came just days before the first votes of the 2024 presidenti­al campaign are cast in Iowa on Monday. Mr. Christie was a non-factor there, having built his entire political strategy around a strong performanc­e in New Hampshire.

His early retreat widens the path for Ms. Haley, who in recent days has seen growing support in public polls among New Hampshire voters. In a CNN poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire that was released last week, Mr. Trump had the support of 39% of the state’s GOP primary voters, and Ms. Haley had the backing of 32%. Mr. Christie was in a distant third position with 12%. But other polls have shown Mr. Trump with a wider edge-over his rivals.

A win here later this month would inject her campaign with real momentum heading into the late-February primary in South Carolina, her home state, and possibly beyond.

Trump downplays Christie’s decision

Mr. Trump’s campaign downplayed the possibilit­y that Mr. Christie’s departure from the race would lead to a Haley victory in New Hampshire. Trump pollster John McLaughlin wrote in an internal memo on Wednesday night that the Trump campaign’s internal polling showed that Mr. Christie had not been “much of a factor.”

“Among New Hampshire Republican primary voters, Chris Christie is radioactiv­e,” Mr. McLaughlin wrote in an internal memo to Trump advisers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles. “If his withdrawal was meant to help Nikki Haley, it will further polarize the primary to be a battle between the Trump conservati­ves and Haley’s establishm­ent base.”

New Hampshire Republican Gov. Chris Sununu, who has endorsed Ms. Haley and intends to campaign intensivel­y for her in the days ahead, said in a statement that defeating Mr. Trump “requires a consolidat­ed field and Nikki Haley has the momentum to do so.”

But, at least for now, Mr. Christie did not throw his support behind Ms. Haley and did not seem to be encouragin­g his supporters to back her. At the campaign event where he announced his departure from the race, several supporters said they were worried that Mr. Trump would now sail unchalleng­ed to the nomination without someone like Mr. Christie as a foil.

“I can tell you, I’m not going with Nikki Haley; I don’t know where I’m going to go,” said Wayne MacDonald, a former chairman of the New Hampshire Republican

Party. “As Gov. Christie has said, she has pandered to Donald Trump. . . . Saying she would vote for him if he’s a convicted felon; saying she would pardon him; saying he was the right president at the right time. All of that is — she’s cozying up to the Trump people — trying to make the most of that vote.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis told CNN’s Anderson Cooper after his debate with Ms. Haley in Iowa on Wednesday that he was surprised Mr. Christie didn’t stay in the presidenti­al race through New Hampshire, where the former New Jersey governor had focused all his efforts. Asked about Mr. Christie’s hot-mic comments before his Wednesday announceme­nt that Mr. DeSantis had been “petrified” that he would drop out during a call between the two candidates, Mr. DeSantis said he reached out and felt Mr. Christie was “being treated poorly.”

“I said, you have every right to do this,” Mr. DeSantis said. He suggested that Ms. Haley’s failure to give a straight answer to questions like whether she would agree to serve as Mr. Trump’s vice president if asked had contribute­d to Mr. Christie’s earlier determinat­ion to stay in the race.

During a town hall with Fox News that aired as the GOP debate he skipped was playing out, Mr. Trump said he was confident that he was leading by a “tremendous amount” in New Hampshire and that he wasn’t “exactly worried” about how Mr. Christie’s exit would affect the race. Noting his previous victories in New Hampshire, he said he understood the state “very well.”

“I love the people; they love me,” Mr. Trump said.

Haley backers encouraged

Mark Harris, lead strategist for SFA Fund Inc., the super PAC aligned with Ms. Haley’s campaign, said he believes the “overwhelmi­ng majority” of Mr. Christie’s voters will come to Ms. Haley but said she still needs to go out andmake the case to them.

“It’s a very positive developmen­t for us, and we got to see what happens on Monday, but I feel very encouraged by it,” Mr. Harris said. “I’ve always believed we had our path to win even with him in the race, but certainly him out gives us a wider path to get there.”

Mr. Harris wouldn’t say whether Christie donors have started to make contact, but he said, “My phone’s been busy.”

Speaking in deep, somber tones in a small chapel in Windham to a group of about 150 supporters, Mr. Christie’s speech amounted to a sharp condemnati­on of his fellow candidates, whom he faulted for enabling Mr. Trump’s rise by failing to confront him and refusing to acknowledg­e the seriousnes­s of the legal jeopardy that he is facing this year after being indicted in four separate cases.

There was no suggestion in Mr. Christie’s remarks that he would endorse any of his former GOP rivals in the near term, and he said they had showed cowardice for not calling out Mr. Trump’s conduct.

Just before Mr. Christie’s departure, he disparaged Ms. Haley on a live microphone. He was overheard telling a confidant that Ms. Haley was “going to get smoked” and “she’s not up to this.”

Mr. Trump wrote on Truth Social that Mr. Christie’s observatio­n about Ms. Haley was a “very truthful statement.” Mr. Christie’s advisers had no comment on the remarks.

Amid the heavy pressure campaign from Mr. Sununu and others for him to drop out, Mr. Christie’s advisers said that he had been weighing the decision for weeks and ultimately came to his own conclusion after failing to see how he would clinch enough delegates to win the nomination.

“I’ve always said that if there came a point in time in this race where I couldn’t see a path to accomplish­ing that goal that I would get out,” Mr. Christie said. “It’s clear to me tonight that there isn’t a path for me to win the nomination, which is why I’m suspending my campaign.”

Christie ‘not going away’

He said he knew that he was “disappoint­ing some people by doing this, people who believe in our message and believe in what we’ve been doing.”

“I also know, though, it’s the right thing for me to do because I want to promise you this: I am going to make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump to ever be president of the United States again.”

In his final speech, he delivered a series of cutting attacks on the former president, condemning what he called the “hate and the division and the selfishnes­s” of the Republican Party under Mr. Trump’s leadership. He noted his own regret for endorsing Mr. Trump after dropping out of the 2016 presidenti­al campaign. Ultimately, Mr. Christie broke with Mr. Trump over his lies about his 2020 election loss and became one of his sharpest critics.

On Wednesday night, Mr. Christie asked his audience to imagine what would have happened if Mr. Trump were behind the desk in the Oval Office during the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks: “The first thing he would have done was run to the bunker to protect himself,” he said, arguing that Mr. Trump would have put himself before the interests of the country.

Ms. Haley was notably cool to Mr. Christie in her statement about his departure from the race, congratula­ting him on a “hardfought” race before quickly moving on to her criticism of Mr. Trump.

Haley’s campaign team argued on Wednesday night that a lot of potential Christie backers were drifting her way because they “want a winner” and see her as the most electable candidate against Joe Biden in the general election.

“She’s within striking distance from Trump. So we’re gonna build off the momentum in Iowa as we go into New Hampshire,” Haley spokeswoma­n Olivia Perez-Cubas said Wednesday night. “She gains the most from (Christie) dropping out. That’s what polling shows. . . . I think it’s a shot in the arm forher in New Hampshire.”

Mr. Christie promised his supporters that he intended to play a prominent role in the months ahead: “Even though I am suspending this campaign, I am not going away, and my voice is not going away.”

 ?? Robert F. Bukaty/Associated Press ?? Republican presidenti­al candidate and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announces he is dropping out of the race during a town hall campaign event Wednesday in Windham, N.H. The first votes in the 2024 campaign come Monday during the Iowa caucuses.
Robert F. Bukaty/Associated Press Republican presidenti­al candidate and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announces he is dropping out of the race during a town hall campaign event Wednesday in Windham, N.H. The first votes in the 2024 campaign come Monday during the Iowa caucuses.
 ?? Tom Brenner/For The Washington Post ?? Nikki Haley squares off against Ron DeSantis in a presidenti­al debate last week in Des Moines, Iowa.
Tom Brenner/For The Washington Post Nikki Haley squares off against Ron DeSantis in a presidenti­al debate last week in Des Moines, Iowa.

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