Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Democrats embrace tougher border enforcemen­t, seeing Trump’s demolition of deal as a ‘gift’

Schumer says his party plans to ‘constantly’ remind voters that it was the GOP’s likely presidenti­al nominee who scuttled border bill

- By Stephen Groves and Mary Clare Jalonick

WASHINGTON — The Senate’s border proposal was one of the toughest bipartisan bills to emerge on the issue in decades. Yet it quickly collapsed when Republican­s — galvanized by Donald Trump, the likely Republican presidenti­al nominee — rejected the compromise as insufficie­nt. Now Democrats see an opening. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called Mr. Trump’s rejection of the border legislatio­n “a gift” for Democrats and said they plan to “constantly over the next year” remind voters that it was Republican­s who torpedoed the deal. And he says the strategy has already paid dividends, with Democrat Tom Suozzi, who campaigned on tougher border enforcemen­t, winning a special election last week in New York, flipping a House seat away from Republican­s.

Mr. Schumer said the race in his home state of New York “says something very significan­t — that border is no longer the province of Republican­s.”

That calculatio­n is already having far-reaching effects, transformi­ng the way President Joe Biden and Democrats talk about one of the biggest issues in this year’s elections and shaping the policy debate over immigratio­n.

It’s a strategy with significan­t political risk. Republican­s have campaigned on border security for years, and public frustratio­n is running high with the record number of illegal U.S. border crossings. While arrests for illegal border crossings dipped by half in January, they reached 249,735 in December, the highest monthly tally on record. Cities, including many run by Democratic mayors, are straining under an influx of migrants.

Republican­s pin the historic number of illegal border crossings directly on Mr. Biden and argue that the Senate legislatio­n would not have been enough to curb it. They say Democrats are only trying to excuse away their own failures.

Sen. John Cornyn, a Texas Republican, said earlier this month that the influx of migrants “burdening my state and a lot of the major cities around the country is unsustaina­ble and has proven to be a political liability for President Biden, so they want to try to act like they’re doing something about it for a fig leaf.”

Democrats, trying to cling to a thin Senate majority and retake the House, are undeterred. They see the spectacula­r collapse of the bill as a cautionary tale for voters and another way to tie GOP candidates to Mr. Trump, especially in swing races.

“Republican­s aren’t willing to stand up and solve issues,” said Rep. Suzan Delbene, a Washington Democrat who chairs the party’s Housecampa­ign committee. “They are led by the most extreme members of their party and when Donald Trump says he doesn’t want to move something, they all fall in line.”

That message is aimed at a group of voters that will likely be crucial in the election — swing voters and the minority of Republican­s who do not like Mr. Trump.

“If we could show Democrats were serious and Republican­s were not interested or rejected doing border, it would help neutralize the issue, which was a loser for us,” Mr. Schumer said.

A big campaign issue in Texas

Now that the House is considerin­g the $95.3 billion foreign aid and national security package that had previously been paired with the border policies, some members have once again considered adding border security measures to the package. Mr. Schumer was open to again considerin­g border policy, saying, “Our main job here is to get something done.”

But House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said Wednesday that he would not consider anything similar to the Senate bill because “it did not meet the moment, it would not have solved the problem.”

Mr. Trump has openly bragged about defeating the Senate’s border proposal. He’s argued that it would have allowed in “millions” of migrants because it included a provision that would have expelled migrants without allowing them to apply for asylum only after Border Patrol encounters became unmanageab­le for authoritie­s.

The senators who crafted the bill, including Republican James Lankford, have said Mr. Trump’s

claim about the bill is not true.

At the same time, Mr. Biden has embraced some of the terms that Mr. Trump used about border enforcemen­t as he pressed Congress to take up the bill, which would have overhauled the asylum system with tougher standards and faster enforcemen­t.

Speaking at a political event in South Carolina last month, Mr. Biden said he would have used the Senate bill to “shut down the border until it could get back under control.”

Putting the strategy into motion, the campaign arm for Senate Democrats is launching a blitz of ads attacking Republican­s for voting against the border enforcemen­t bill — even taking the fight to Texas, where Republican Sen. Ted Cruz is seeking another term.

Mr. Cruz has taken aim at Republican Leader Mitch McConnell for blessing the deal, arguing that it was “spectacula­rly stupid” to negotiate with Democrats.

Mr. Cruz’s likely Democratic opponent, Texas Rep. Collin Allred, said he’s already talking about the border deal on the campaign trail. He said he’s had issues with the Biden administra­tion’s approach, but he thought the Senate negotiator­s “arrived at a pretty constructi­ve place.”

“This is a very real issue for Texans,” Mr. Allred said, “and a senator who doesn’t want to solve it.”

Lessons from the New York race

The potency of immigratio­n as a campaign issue was evident in the New York special election.

On suburban Long Island, Lois Clinco said she voted for Mr. Suozzi on Tuesday in hopes he would prevent migrants from settling in Levittown, a town some 30 miles from New York City. She was concerned about safety amid the many migrants arriving in New York City — and the increasing­ly dire rhetoric from city officials about violence and crime.

“I’m hoping that he keeps our area, our area and keeps the migrants out,” the 59year-old Ms. Clinco said. “We’re overpopula­ted now and with schools and everything else, it’s just a difficult time.”

Many Democrats, faced with historic numbers of migrants coming to the southern border and cities whose resources are overwhelme­d by the influx, have also warmed to the idea of tougher border enforcemen­t.

“Immigratio­n and the situation at the border is one of the last high profile issues where Republican­s have a powerful narrative,“said Connecticu­t Sen. Chris Murphy, who was the chief Democratic negotiator on the border policy. ”So even blunting the political advantage that they think exists on the border could be the difference between winning and losing.”

Still, immigratio­n advocates and progressiv­e lawmakers worry that Democrats could leave immigrants behind if the party fails to champion the economic and social benefits they bring to the United States.

Rep. Ro Khanna, a California Democrat who is a surrogate for Mr. Biden and had joined him in South Carolina, said he disagreed with the president’s rhetoric on “shutting down the border.”

Mr. Khanna pointed to how past Democratic presidents from John F. Kennedy to Barack Obama described immigrants as contributi­ng to the country.

“We have adopted a frame that starts with blaming immigrants as part of the problem,” he said. “We need to shift that frame to celebrate what immigrants have done for America.”

Advocates for immigratio­n are also cautiously looking at the shift. Todd Schulte, the president of FWD.us, an organizati­on that supports immigratio­n reforms, agreed that Democrats needed to go on the offensive by drawing a contrast with Mr. Trump, but also called for them to craft proposals that address “a failed” immigratio­n system.

“Draw a contrast, but then you have to deliver on policy,” he said.

Mr. Murphy agreed that Democrats should remain committed to broad immigratio­n reforms, including pathways to citizenshi­p for migrants who are already here. But he argued that may only be possible once Democrats first show voters they are serious about tough border enforcemen­t.

“We have to read the writing on the wall, our belief as a party that we could do it all at one time has simply proven not to be true,” he said.

 ?? J. Scott Applewhite/Associated Press ?? Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., arrives at the Capitol last week while Republican­s hold a closeddoor meeting after blocking a bipartisan border package that had been tied to wartime aid for Ukraine.
J. Scott Applewhite/Associated Press Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., arrives at the Capitol last week while Republican­s hold a closeddoor meeting after blocking a bipartisan border package that had been tied to wartime aid for Ukraine.
 ?? Eric Gay/Associated Press ?? Migrants wait to be processed by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol after they crossed the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass, Texas.
Eric Gay/Associated Press Migrants wait to be processed by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol after they crossed the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass, Texas.
 ?? Stefan Jeremiah/Associated Press ?? Tom Suozzi won a special election Tuesday for a New York House seat previously held by Republican George Santos.
Stefan Jeremiah/Associated Press Tom Suozzi won a special election Tuesday for a New York House seat previously held by Republican George Santos.

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