Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

LGBTQ-inclusive church in Cuba welcomes all

Country once sent gay people to labor camps

- By Luis Andres Henao

MATANZAS, Cuba — Proudly wearing a rainbowcol­ored clergy stole and a rainbow flag in her clerical collar, the Rev. Elaine Saralegui welcomed all to her LGBTQ+ inclusive church in the Cuban port city of Matanzas.

“We’re all invited. And no one can exclude us,” Rev. Saralegui told same-sex couples who held hands in the Metropolit­an Community Church where she had recently married her wife.

These words and this kind of gathering would have been unimaginab­le before in the largest country in the conservati­ve and mostly Christian Caribbean, where anti-gay hostility is still widespread.

Cuba repressed gay people after its 1959 revolution led by Fidel Castro and sent many to labor camps. But in recent years, the communist-run island barred antigay discrimina­tion, and a 2022 government-backed “family law” — approved by popular vote — allowed same-sex couples the right to marry and adopt.

Members of Cuba’s LGBTQ+ community say it marked a milestone that has allowed them to embrace their gender identity and worship more freely in a country that for decades after the revolution was officially atheist.

“It’s huge. There aren’t enoughword­s to say what an opportunit­y it is to achieve the dream of so many,” said Maikol Añorga. He was with his husband, Vladimir Marin, near the altar, where at a Friday service they joined other congregant­s taking turns to lay offerings of white and pink wildflower­s to thank God.

“It’s the opportunit­y for all people to be present here, to gather and participat­e without regards to their gender, race or religion.”

The Catholic Church still rejects same-sex marriage and condemns any sexual relations between gay or lesbian partners as “intrinsica­lly disordered.” Yet Pope Francis has done far more than any previous pope to make the church a more welcoming place for LGBTQ+ people.

In December, the pope formally approved letting Catholic priests bless same-sex couples, a policy shift that aimed at making the church more inclusive while maintainin­g its strict ban on gay marriage.

The family law in Cuba faced opposition from the country’s Catholic church as well as the growing number of evangelica­l churches that have mushroomed across the island.

Anti-LGBTQ+ rights demonstrat­ions have faded since 2022. But back then, evangelica­l pastors spoke out from the pulpit, and handed out Bibles and pamphlets in the streets invoking God’s “original plan” for unions between men and women and calling gay relationsh­ips a sin.

Still, the measure was overwhelmi­ngly approved by nearly 67% of voters. It came after a huge government campaign of nationwide informativ­e meetings and extensive state media coverage amid food shortages and blackouts that have prompted thousands to immigrate to the United States during one of one of the worst economic crises to hit Cuba in decades.

At the time, President Miguel Díaz-Canel told Cubans

that he was pleased about the wide support the measure received despite tough economic challenges. He celebrated, tweeting: “Love is now the law.”

For years, the movement for LGBTQ+ rights has been led by Cuba’s best-known advocate for gay rights, Mariela Castro, daughter of former President Raul Castro and niece of his brother Fidel.

“This just brings happiness. This just makes people feel truly worthy, respected, loved, considered — a true citizen with their rights and duties,” Ms. Castro said “I think we’ve taken a very valuable step forward.”

Long before same-sex couples were granted the right to marry, Ms. Castro was advocating for it, while training police on relations with the LGBTQ+ community and sponsoring symbolical ceremonies where Protestant clergy from the U.S. and Canada blessed unions as part of the annual Pride parade.

“It was a beautiful spiritual experience for me, and I believe for those people as well,” said Ms. Castro, who heads Cuba’s National Center for Sex Education and is a member of the National Assembly. “First, our campaign was: ‘Let love be the law.’ Now, love is the law, and we’re going to keep celebratin­g it.”

In 2010, then-retired leader Fidel Castro admitted that he was wrong to discrimina­te against gay people. Asked about this, she said it helped mark a turning point in public attitude.

“I think he was honest. It was good and healthy for him to say this because it helped the rest who were still clinging to prejudices to understand that this kind of

thought can change,” she said.

In the early years after the 1959 revolution, homophobia in Cuba, she said, was no different than in the rest of the world.

Inthe U.S., homosexual­ity was deemed a mental disorder by psychiatri­c authoritie­s, and gay sex was a crime in most states.

Currently, Russia — a major supporter of Fidel Castro when it was the core of the communist Soviet Union — is bucking the worldwide trend of greater LGBTQ+ acceptance with a multiprong­ed crackdown on LGBTQ+ activism.

The previous Cuban Family Code, dating to 1975, stipulated that marriage was between a man and a woman — not between two people — which excluded lifelong partners from inheritanc­e rights.

The new law goes further than marriage equality or the ability for gay couples to

adopt or use surrogates. It also expanded rights for children, the elderly and women.

The first members of Rev. Saralegui’s congregati­on began gathering on a house terrace in Matanzas over a decade ago to sing and pray.

“The sky was our ceiling and when it rained, we’d all pack into a small room,” Rev. Saralegui said. In 2015, with support from the U.S.based LGBTQ+ affirming Metropolit­an Community Churches, they converted a house into their church, decked with wooden pews and a stained-glass cross that hangs above the altar. Underneath, a local Tibetan Buddhist group that meets here during the week stores its musical instrument­s in an example of interfaith partnershi­p.

“This church is a family,” said Rev. Saralegui, who has a tattoo of the Jesus fish on one of her forearms and wears a Buddhist bracelet.

“It’s a sacred space, not just because there’s a cross or an altar, but because it’s the most sacred space for these people to come to — it’s where they come to have a safe space.”

After receiving Communion, congregant Nico Salazar, 18, said he was glad to have found that safe space here after members of an evangelica­l church where he grew up attending asked him not to return when he embraced his gender identity.

“It’s the essence of the Bible: God is love, and other churches should emphasize that instead of repressing and harming others with a supposed sin,” said Mr. Salazar, who was born a woman and this year started hormone treatment.

“Sin and love are not the same,” said Mr. Salazar, who wore an earring in the shape of a cross.

“And to love,” he added, “is not a sin.”

 ?? Ramon Espinosa/Associated Press ?? The Rev. Elaine Saralegui, wearing a rainbow-colored clergy stole, leads a service at the Metropolit­an Community Church, an LGBTQ+ inclusive house of worship, in Matanzas, Cuba.
Ramon Espinosa/Associated Press The Rev. Elaine Saralegui, wearing a rainbow-colored clergy stole, leads a service at the Metropolit­an Community Church, an LGBTQ+ inclusive house of worship, in Matanzas, Cuba.

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