Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

U.S. reimposes oil sanctions on Venezuela as election looms

- By Joshua Goodman and Regina Garcia Cano

MIAMI — The Biden administra­tion on Wednesday reimposed crushing oil sanctions on Venezuela, admonishin­g President Nicolás Maduro’s attempts to consolidat­e his rule just six months after the U.S. eased restrictio­ns in a bid to support now fading hopes for a democratic opening in the OPEC nation.

A senior U.S. official, discussing the decision with reporters, said any U.S. company investing in Venezuela would have 45 days to wind down operations to avoid adding uncertaint­y to global energy markets. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss U.S. policy deliberati­ons.

In October, the U. S. granted Mr. Maduro’s government relief from sanctions on its state-run oil, gas and mining sectors after it agreed to work with members of the opposition to hold a free and competitiv­e presidenti­al election this year.

While Mr. Maduro went on to schedule an election for July and invite internatio­nal observers to monitor voting, his inner circle has used the ruling party’s total control over Venezuela’s institutio­ns to undermine the agreement. Actions include blocking his main rival, ex-lawmaker Maria Corina Machado, from registerin­g her candidacy or that of a designated alternativ­e. Numerous government critics have also been jailed over the past six months, including several of Ms. Machado’s aides.

Wednesday’s actions essentiall­y return U.S. policy to what it was prior to the agreement hammered out in the Caribbean island of Barbados, making it illegal for U.S. companies to do business with state-run oil producer Petróleos de Venezuela S.A., better known as PDVSA, without a specific license from the U.S. Treasury Department.

It’s unclear what impact the snapback would have on Venezuela’s long flounderin­g oil and gas industry — or whether it will pressure Mr. Maduro to offer a more level electoral playing field.

The initial reprieve was issued for only six months. Experts say that’s not nearly enough time to attract the major capital investment­s required to revive long stagnant production in Venezuela, which sits atop the world’s largest proven oil reserves.

However, by allowing Venezuela to send oil directly, instead of going through shady middlemen who charge a hefty fee, Mr. Maduro’s government was able to boost oil revenues and raise badly needed cash during the six months of U.S. sanctions relief.

Additional­ly, the stiffening of sanctions doesn’t directly impact Chevron, the last major U.S. oil driller in Venezuela, which was allowed to boost shipments thanks to a license it was issued in 2022 amid concerns that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine would disrupt global energy supplies.

“The true test of the administra­tion’s seriousnes­s about Venezuela is Chevron,” said Elliott Abrams, who served as the Trump administra­tion’s special envoy to the crisis in Venezuela. “Leaving that license in place suggests the administra­tion cares more about keeping oil prices down until the election, and about Chevron’s profits, than about U.S. national security interests and freedom in Venezuela.”

While signaling its growing frustratio­n with Mr. Maduro, the Biden administra­tion is unlikely to return to the failed “maximum pressure” campaign tried during the Trump administra­tion, which only strengthen­ed the leftist leader’s hand, experts said.

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