Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Why Dental Implants?


Why implants rather than dentures? Dentures can be an uncomforta­ble experience leading people to not even wearing them. The implant supported denture is the closest you can get to natural teeth. It’s amazing the advancemen­ts in dental technology to give patients not only beautiful smiles but they are functional. Same day we pull your teeth you leave with a brand new smile and your teeth screwed in.

What are dental implants and why get them?

Dental implants are a tooth replacemen­t option that involves the surgical placement of small metal posts into the jawbone to support a natural looking prosthetic. We can use old dentures in the process and help change your life with a beautiful new smile. We offer a same day procedure with you walking out the door with a smile and teeth that are functional.

What kind of implants do you offer?

We offer a number of options. Single Tooth, All-On-Four, Implant-Supported Bridges, ImplantSup­ported Dentures and ”Same Day“Implants. To learn more about the different types of implants go to our website www.dentistbri­dgevillepa.com.

How can implants become a reality for everyone?

We offer a number of options to make the process affordable for everyone. We will work within your budget and customize a plan that works for you. Our packages include everything all in one. No hidden fees. New teeth and a new smile can become a reality for everybody. We offer a number of different financing options. Let us put a smile on your face.

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