Poets and Writers

Zócalo Public Square


Mitchell Duneier of Princeton, New Jersey, won the seventh annual Zócalo Public Square Book Prize for his nonfiction book Ghetto: The Invention of a Place, the History of an Idea (Farrar, Straus and Giroux). He received $5,000, which he donated back to Zócalo to be used in pursuit of its mission, and was invited to give a lecture at the Museum of Contempora­ry Art in Los Angeles. The annual award is given for a nonfiction book published in the United States in the previous year that “best enhances our understand­ing of community, social cohesion, and human connectedn­ess.” As of this writing, the next deadline has not been set.


Matt Sumpter of New York City won the sixth annual Zócalo Poetry Prize for his poem “No World.” He received $500, and his poem was published on the Zócalo Public Square website. Colette LaBouff Atkinson and the Zócalo editors judged. The annual award is given for a poem that “best explores people’s connection to place.” As of this writing, the next deadline has not been set.

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