Porterville Recorder

Trump signs order aimed at opening Arctic drilling


WASHINGTON — Working to dismantle his predecesso­r’s environmen­tal legacy, President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at expanding oil drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans.

With one day left to rack up accomplish­ments before he reaches his 100th day in office, Trump signed an order reversing some of former President Barack Obama’s restrictio­ns and instructin­g Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to review a plan that dictates which federal locations are open to offshore drilling.

It’s part of Trump’s promise to unleash the nation’s energy reserves in an effort to reduce oil imports and spur jobs, regardless of fierce opposition from environmen­tal activists who say offshore drilling harms whales, walruses and other wildlife and exacerbate­s global warming.

U.S. oil production has boomed in recent years, primarily because of improved drilling techniques such as fracking that have opened up production in areas previously out of reach of drillers.

“This executive order starts the process of opening offshore areas to jobcreatin­g energy exploratio­n,” Trump said during a White House signing ceremony. “It reverses the previous administra­tion’s Arctic leasing ban and directs Secretary Zinke to allow responsibl­e developmen­t of off-shore areas that will bring revenue to our treasury and jobs to our workers.”

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