Porterville Recorder

From the printed to the spoken word



If you would like a change of pace, turn to bridge videos. Larry Cohen (larryco. com) has put out four on defense this year: the opening lead, second and third hand play, and signals. Each lasts about 50 minutes.

The second-hand DVD concentrat­es on second hand low and cover an honor with an honor. Larry uses his relaxed style to highlight the basic positions, then looks at the exceptions to the rules.

In this deal from the video, West leads the heart queen against four spades, which runs to South’s ace. How should the play proceed?

Cohen doesn’t give an auction, but this one seems reasonable. South’s four-spade jump is a slight overbid, but most would do the same.

Given the trump split, declarer is faced with four losers: one spade, one diamond and two clubs. But he might be able to induce defensive errors.

First, South should lead his spade 10, trying to persuade West to cover an honor with an honor. But West should realize that this cannot help to generate a spade trick for his side. Assuming West plays low, declarer wins with dummy’s king, crosses to his spade ace, then leads the diamond 10.

Now West must cover an honor with an honor to stop South from gaining two diamond tricks and being able to discard a club. After West covers, declarer wins with dummy’s ace, ruffs a heart and leads a diamond to the eight. East takes the trick with his nine and plays another heart. Now declarer, down to his last chance, leads the club jack, but West does not cover. Great defense.

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