Porterville Recorder

Fiery Kavanaugh denies quiet accuser in Senate hearing


WASHINGTON — In a day like few others in Senate history, California psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford quietly recounted her "100 percent" certainty Thursday that President Donald Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court had sexually assaulted her when they were teenagers — and then Brett Kavanaugh defiantly testified he was "100 percent certain" he did no such thing.

That left senators to decide whether the long day of testimony tipped their confirmati­on votes for or against Trump's nominee in a deeply partisan fight with the future of the high court and possibly control of Congress in the balance.

Showing their own certainty, Republican­s quickly scheduled a recommenda­tion vote for Friday morning in the Senate Judiciary Committee, where they hold an 11-10 majority. They're hoping for a final Senate roll call next week, seating Kavanaugh on the court shortly after the Oct. start of its new term.

In the committee's packed hearing room for hour upon hour Thursday, both Kavanaugh and Ford said the alleged assault and the storm of controvers­y that has erupted 36 years later had altered their lives forever and for the worse — perhaps the only thing they agreed on during their separate testimony marked by a stark contrast of tone and substance.

Ford recounted for the senators and a nationwide TV audience her long-held secret of the alleged assault in a locked room at a gathering of friends when she was just 15. The memory — and Kavanaugh's laughter during the act — was "locked" in her brain, she said. Ford delivered her testimony with deliberate certitude, though admitting gaps in her memory as she choked back tears at some points and said she "believed he was going to rape me."

Hours later, Kavanaugh entered the hearing room fuming. He angrily denied her allegation, alternatin­g a loud, defiant tone with near tears of his own, particular­ly when discussing his family. He decried his confirmati­on opposition as a "national disgrace." He interrupte­d senators and dismissed some questions with a flippant "whatever."

"You have replaced 'advice and consent' with 'search and destroy,'" he said, referring to the Constituti­on's charge to senators' duties in confirming high officials.

Democrats pressed the judge to call for an FBI investigat­ion into the claims, but he would say only, "I welcome whatever the committee wants to do."

Republican­s are concerned, among other reasons, that further investigat­ions could push a vote past the November elections that may switch Senate control back to the Democrats and make considerat­ion of any Trump nominee more difficult.

Trump made his feelings newly clear that he was sticking by his choice. "His testimony was powerful, honest and riveting," he tweeted. "The Senate must vote!"

Trump nominated the conservati­ve jurist in what was supposed to be an election year capstone to the GOP agenda, locking in the court's majority for years to come. Instead Kavanaugh has seemed in peril and on Thursday he faced the Senate hearing amid a national reckoning over sexual misconduct at the top of powerful institutio­ns.

The day opened with Ford, now a 51-year-old college professor in California, raising her right hand to swear under oath about the allegation­s she said she never expected to share publicly until they leaked in the media two weeks ago and reporters started staking out her home and work.

As Anita Hill did more two decades ago when she alleged sexual misconduct by Clarence Thomas, the mom of two testified before a committee with only male senators on the Republican side of the dais.

The psychology professor described what she says was a harrowing assault in the summer of 1982: How an inebriated Kavanaugh and another teen, Mark Judge, locked her in a room at a house party as Kavanaugh was grinding and groping her. She said he put his hand over her mouth to muffle her screams. Judge has said does not recall the incident.

 ?? AP PHOTO BY MICHAEL REYNOLDS ?? Christine Blasey Ford is sworn in before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Thursday, Sept. 27, on Capitol Hill in Washington.
AP PHOTO BY MICHAEL REYNOLDS Christine Blasey Ford is sworn in before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Thursday, Sept. 27, on Capitol Hill in Washington.

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