Porterville Recorder

Do just one thing



Do you feel like you’re constantly replacing the cartridges in your inkjet printer? There are some easy things you can do to extend the life of those cartridges. First, make sure your printer settings are set to “Fast Normal” or “Draft” for printing out documents when the resolution quality isn’t important. Ignore the “low ink” warning on your printer; it’s a warning, not a notificati­on that the cartridge is totally empty. And if you rarely use your printer, take the cartridges out and seal them up in an airtight container to keep them fresh.


It may not be the most attractive bit of home decor, but applying a clear plastic film over your windows and sliding glass doors can help insulate them and reduce your heating bill in the cool winter months. If you’d rather not coat your main windows with this film because it isn’t aesthetica­lly pleasing to you, consider applying it to windows in little-seen or rarely used rooms. You can reduce your heating bill by as much as 14% by doing this, and the film is a cinch to install.


Using a space heater is an energy-efficient way to bring warmth to where you need it most instead of raising the thermostat to heat your whole house. When shopping for a new space heater, look for one that is the right size for the room you intend to use it in. Also look for one with an “auto” mode function. This function will automatica­lly turn off the space heater once the desired temperatur­e is reached in the room. This means it won’t be running constantly, and that can help you save electricit­y in the long run.


Here’s a fun experiment to try at home with a leftover garlic clove: Grow a new garlic plant! Fill a small pot with potting soil and stick the garlic clove into the soil so the root end is immersed and the top part is right below the surface of the soil. Water and place in a warm, sunlit spot in the house (like the kitchen window counter). In a few weeks, the garlic clove will root itself and start growing new shoots, and over time, the bulb will multiply until you have a whole new garlic bulb that you can rinse and use for cooking.


If you see a houseplant with yellowing leaves, one of the most important things you should do is trim them off. Yellowing, almostdead leaves won’t revive and turn green again, so it’s better to help the plant by removing them so the plant can dedicate all of its energy to generating new leaves. When you are done pruning, be sure to wipe the pruning blades with rubbing alcohol. This will disinfect the blades so you don’t transfer any diseases to other plants.


Around 40% of Americans enjoy a cup of hot tea every single day, so the question is: Is it more energy-efficient to heat up water in a tea kettle or in the microwave? The ecoeasy answer is the microwave. According to Energy Star, a program of the Environmen­tal Protection Agency, heating up a mug of water to make tea is 80% more energy-efficient than using a traditiona­l stove. The reason is simple: Microwave heat waves concentrat­e solely on what you’re warming up, and you are only heating up exactly what you’re drinking instead of a whole kettle of water. The same energy savings also works when you’re reheating leftover foods.


If you use exercise equipment at home that you need to plug into the wall, like a treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike, do this one thing when you’re finished working out: Unplug the machine. Because power surges can happen at any time, a surge can break or seriously damage your pricey gym equipment. Plus, leaving the machine plugged in also draws a small amount of electricit­y, even when it’s not in use. And skip using a surge protector: When the machines are on, surge protectors can send an error message to the machine’s motherboar­d, even when nothing’s wrong..

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