Porterville Recorder

Body-money Credit Cards: Feeling Good for Nothing

- Sylvia j. harral Tid-bits of Health

When it comes to our handling of money and bank accounts, we’re pretty familiar with loans and interest rates. Loans are serious debts that come with interest, and interest has a tendency to bankrupt our finances before we know it. The whole situation begins when there is not enough steady income to satisfy our needs or wants.

Large sums of money, like the purchase of a house for instance, are broken down into small monthly payments over several years. We look at the monthly amount and see how the payments can be made within our level of income. The loan officer’s job is to make this picture very clear. Once we see the ability to have what we want now instead of waiting for years to collect the money, we sign the loan papers.

Today, loan companies are even more clever. They offer us loans in little plastic cards. We swipe the cards through the machines at the cash registers. Without realizing it we’re stepping onto the bankruptcy freeway. Everyone’s on this road; however, we don’t worry about ending up in bankruptcy. There are plenty of exits to take. We pay off all our charges every month and keep the abundant paychecks coming in nice and steady.

Our health bank account is rich with nutrient Body-money when we’re born. We have so many nutrients from our mother’s body, we can grow like weeds, have energy to drive our parents crazy, heal up in a short amount of time and remain happy through it all. When we’re hungry, we eat.

Our choices are determined mainly by what our taste buds dictate. Once the tongue tastes processed sugar, artificial flavors or the hidden flavor enhancers that are everywhere, anything green is preferred stay off the plate.

We get wrapped up in our favorite flavors, habits, routines and convenienc­es and forget to keep a wide variety of nutrients rolling through the digestive system. Nutrients are money, and we forget how much our heart, brain and lungs need to be paid every minute.

Artificial flavors and colors are artificial nutrients. They end up being Monopoly-money in our Body-money-banker’s vault. The heart can’t beat on payments of artificial nutrients. This kind of Body-money Management results in the heart needing a loan to keep up its ratrace pace. Loans are available from many places in the body. Fat cells are not very valuable in this case. They are full of damaged, “mutilated”, “penny” nutrients. That is not where the Body-money banker goes to borrow nutrients for the heart, brain or lungs. Muscle tissue contains $20’s and $50’s and the bones are loaded with $100’s. Those are the preferred Body-money-loan sources.

The Body-money banker is trained to handle deposits, credits, debts and payments automatica­lly without us being consciousl­y aware of what’s happening inside our body. We do become aware of a depleted Body-money checking Account when our energy drops, or we have difficulty staying awake. Our Banker is well trained in getting quick loans to keep going. Any stimulant is a perfect Body-money credit-card. Stimulants are not nutrients, they go straight to the Body money-loan Officer, Cortisol, tap him on the shoulder and say, “Wake up and borrow some nutrients for the Banker.” Cortisol jumps up, and the door to the adrenal gland slams shut as he speeds to the least-used muscle or bone. Nutrient loans are quickly withdrawn and deposited into the bloodstrea­m. They’re carried straight to the banker. Debts are quickly paid, and energy returns for a little while.

It feels good to feel good. The Banker knows when to ask the tongue for more stimulant. The problem only becomes apparent when we start losing energy, memory, bone, or hair or gain a diagnosis of an autoimmune disease, osteoporos­is or cancer, etc. These suddenly grab our attention, and we wonder why this is happening.

Who has informed us of stimulants, (all of them from cartoons, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, legal or illegal drugs, strong emotions, cocaine or heroin), simply being credit cards that put our health on the highway to Body money-bank ruptcy … known as “disease”. How much is our health worth once we’ve lost it … nothing? I amused myself yesterday with the thought, “Wow, my favorite stimulant actually makes me feel good for nothing. I need more nutrients!”

Until then … TAKE CHARGE! … Sylvia

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