Portsmouth Herald

Here's who I'm supporting in important city elections


Oct. 24 − To the Editor:

Our local elections have always been non-partisan, focusing mostly on those issues of concern to the local citizenry. As many of us recently learned, two years ago, outside influences tilted the outcome of that election. Since that time, I became very involved in matters concerning our city's governing bodies. I concluded that changes are needed as this current City Council has failed to address issues relevant to our community such as:

● Budget increases of almost $18.5 million without much push- back from the City Council.

● Voting 9-0 to approve pretty much anything City Hall wanted to pass through.

● More non-public than public meetings (64) and of course, minutes of the former are never available due to their sensitive nature, or so we're being told.

● Thirty four new positions have been created which is a huge future liability falling squarely on the shoulders of current and future taxpayers to bear.

● A poorly handled agreement with SoBow-Square leaving no off-ramp for the city costing us millions.

As our city rapidly becomes unrecogniz­able -looking more like little Boston of the north- many worry about losing the Portsmouth we remember.

With that in mind, I will be supporting the following candidates in the November 7th election.

For City Council: Rick Becksted, Petra Huda, Esther Kennedy, Paige Trace, and Peter Whelan. These candidates are truly dedicated to Portsmouth and know the issues well.

I will also be voting for Genevieve Becksted-Muske and Trish Campbell for School Board.

For Fire Commission­er, I will support Jackie CaliPitts who represente­d this community in the legislatur­e for almost thirty years. And for Police Commission­er, I will cast a vote for Francesca Marconi-Fernald.

The government closest to you is the one that can affect you the most. This November 7, don't stay home.

Sue Polidura


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