Portsmouth Herald

Kiper: I’m running for NH governor to give working class a voice


Jan. 11 − To the Editor:

After serving three years on the Newmarket Town Council, I came to realize that many local issues require state-level solutions. For instance, Republican­s in the legislatur­e cut taxes for businesses and the wealthy, leading to property tax increases for the working class, with town council and budget committees taking the blame.

Ideally, I would address these systemic issues by running for a position in the House or Senate. However, the state's policy of paying representa­tives and senators just $100 per year means that working-class individual­s like me can't afford to serve in Concord.

This has resulted in a legislatur­e where 80% of members are wealthy or rich, as they are the only ones who can afford to spend weekday daytime hours in Concord. This disparity creates a democracy deficit, as the legislatur­e fails to represent the broader population of New Hampshire.

That is why I'm running for governor. It's the only way I can afford to serve my state and address these community issues. I propose a $20,000 annual salary for state legislator­s, totaling $8 million—less than what the Republican­s allocated for the education freedom voucher fund this year.

What, then, is the price of democracy? I argue it's at least $20,000 per year. Frankly, democracy is priceless to New Hampshire, and I'm committed to advocating for changes that will bring true representa­tion to the legislativ­e branch. New Hampshire must embrace true democracy. You can learn about my campaign on my website: www.VoteKiper.org

Jon Kiper, Newmarket

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