Portsmouth Herald

Rye must vote in best interest of town


Feb. 29 — To the Editor:

If Rye residents don’t show up and make good voting choices on March 12 I have no sympathy for what may and may not happen in our town. There are a slate of people running who are not right and are wrong for Rye.

The good news is we have a number of excellent people offering to serve.

I have been attending Select Board meetings for the last fifteen years and Tom King is one of the best Select Board members we have had in all those years. Correspond­ence from and observatio­ns of the other Select Board choice has demonstrat­ed why Tom King is head and shoulders a far superior choice.

Serving on the Budget Committee with me, Kate Dumas brought much needed financial experience and Doug Abrams has been on the Budget Committee since I first became a regular at Budget Committee meetings.

I recently met Laurie Mashall Belden and recognized her from School Board meetings. As a parent Belden learned that Rye and Greenland students were less prepared to succeed in advanced math at PHS. As a result of her efforts, both schools will be adding an Algebra 1 option.

She is a School Board candidate who will hit the ground running.

For the Library, Jeff Ross has been a past chair and I have worked closely with him on the Budget Committee. The current board has also benefitted greatly from the other incumbent, JoAnn Hogdon, who many know from her IT guidance newspaper stories. Rachel McCann is running for the two year Library position and impressive­ly made the effort to meet me.

In the contested Planning Board race, I am the only candidate who is a current Planning Board Alternate. I had been attending Planning Board meetings or watching recordings, so when the Planning Board needed alternates last year, I made that commitment.

Rye residents should feel free to ask me direct questions (no social media) and tap into the decade and a half of analyzing budgets and following Town, School and water district activities.

Steven Borne


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