
That’s right: Hobart mayor joins GOP

Snedecor switches parties, says Dems are too far left

- By Karen Caffarini

Saying he must be true to his God, his family and himself, Hobart Mayor Brian Snedecor on Wednesday officially announced he was switching his political affiliatio­n from Democrat to Republican.

Snedecor, 61, made the announceme­nt at the Revelli Bandshell at Festival Park, surrounded by several state and local Republican leaders and before a crowd of supporters, some of whom waved Trump 2020 flags, wore Trump hats and socks or T-shirts with the GOP elephant symbol on them.

Snedecor, a former city police chief, said his decision was not a rash one, and he said he may not be the only Lake County Democratic elected official switching parties, although he wouldn’t reveal any names.

“Over the past several months I’ve become increasing­ly convinced that the Democratic platform is moving more and more to the left. It’s driven many people, both moderates and conservati­ves, away from the Democratic party,” Snedecor said.

“I supported the unions and will continue to support the union way of life. I will continue to fight against injustice and unfair practices. My philosophy will not change,” he said.

Patriotism and religion were woven throughout the event, beginning with patriotic songs and a Pledge of Allegiance.

Councilman Chris Wells, R-5th, the only Republican member of the Hobart City Council, said he’s known Snedecor for about 20 years and the two share the same values.

“Family, faith and lower taxes; that’s what we believe in,” Wells said, adding, “He (Snedecor) was always more of a Republican than a Democrat.”

Pastor Sam Abbott, of The Crossing at NWI church, called the mayor a man of character and integrity.

“I sense hope is in the air,” Abbott said.

Dan Dernulc, chairman of the Lake County Republican Party, said the mayor’s decision was not an adversaria­l one with the Democratic Party.

“I’ve been speaking with the mayor for a long time. This was his decision. Based on his beliefs, he feels he’s more aligned with Republican­s,” Dernulc said.

Dernulc said he has been talking to other Democrats in the Region who are thinking of switching parties., but he also would not provide any names.

James Wieser, chairman of the Lake County Democratic Party, said the switch surprised him, adding he would wait until after the mayor’s speech to give his comment.

State Sen. Eddie Melton, D-Gary, said he has always had a good working relationsh­ip with Snedecor and will continue to work with him and be his friend.

“I wouldn’t let any political difference­s come between us,” Melton said, noting the current divisive political climate on the national level. He also said he wasn’t aware of any disenchant­ment among the local party organizati­on.

Councilman Matt Claussen, D-At large, attended the event. Asked if he would be joining the mayor in switching sides, Claussen said, “Brian and I are both conservati­ves. We always have been.”

Councilman Lino Maggio, D-3rd, said he was unable to attend the event, but wished the mayor luck in all his endeavors.

“I know not much will change as we continue our work to make Hobart the safest and best city to raise your family and live in,” Maggio said.

He said in local politics, the party label is for election day only; after that, both sides work together.

Snedecor also received support from two union representa­tives: Randy Palmateer, business manager for the Northweste­rn Indiana Building & Constructi­on Trades Council, and Dave Fagan, financial secretary for Operating Engineers Local 150.

Palmateer said the council supports people and policy, not politics. He said every project the city has done under Snedecor’s leadership has been with union workers.

The night concluded with Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch welcoming Snedecor to the state Republican Party.

“Today we stand with Mayor Snedecor as proud Republican­s. We carry the message that government is not the answer to every problem,” Crouch said.

 ?? POST-TRIBUNE ?? Hobart Mayor Brian Snedecor signs paperwork Wednesday welcoming him into GOP.
POST-TRIBUNE Hobart Mayor Brian Snedecor signs paperwork Wednesday welcoming him into GOP.

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