
Keep wearing masks on public transit

- By Justin Fox Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

One morning last week a young man in a sport coat with AirPods in his ears and no mask on his face boarded my bus in Los Angeles and sat down. Then he looked around at all the masked faces, got up, walked to the front of the bus to grab a free mask, put it on and returned to his seat.

In general I’m all for getting back to normal as we figure out how to live with COVID-19. I go to the office most workdays, eat indoors at restaurant­s, travel, shake hands or hug as appropriat­e and, yes, ride public transporta­tion here in L.A. and back home in New York City. But I’d be happy to keep wearing masks on the bus and subway pretty much forever, and would really like it if lots of other people did, too.

For the moment mask-wearing is still required on planes, trains and other transit in the U.S. by a federal mandate that was extended recently until April 18. Airline executives are pushing hard for that to be the end of it, and on the subway in

New York, adherence to the rule is falling quickly already, according to the Metropolit­an Transporta­tion Authority.

Bus riders, who in New York tend to be older than subway riders, have generally been better about keeping their masks on, but there, too, the trend is downward.

On my Southern California commute, mask compliance remains very high. But there’s been an interestin­g shift in who disobeys. Back when the first wave of omicron had just crested it was the occasional troubled person, like the drunk young man with a beer in his hand who almost fell onto my lap one evening and the guy with a mask around his chin pleading “Stay away, I have COVID,” from the front of the bus one morning (we did, and the poor bus driver, who couldn’t stay away, let everybody board in back until the man got off ).

Lately, with more commuters returning and a more businessli­ke atmosphere prevailing, most of the maskless riders I’ve seen have been young people dressed for office jobs. I’m guessing they’re fully vaccinated, at extremely low risk from COVID19 and, with mask mandates already lifted in most other settings, just didn’t think they needed one on the bus.

There’s surely more of that to come, regardless of what happens after April 18. Continuing to require masks on planes, trains and buses while almost everywhere else goes mask-optional will be really hard to enforce. And while the looming omicron BA.2 wave and future COVID-19 variants may justify renewed mandates, permanent mask rules in the absence of a public health emergency really do feel like a step too far.

That said, maintainin­g high levels of mask-wearing in crowded indoor settings where the costs to doing so are low seems like it might be a really good thing. It would probably reduce transmissi­on of COVID19, as well as seasonal colds and flu, and by helping sustain ongoing demand for surgical and N95 masks it could keep us better prepared for future variants and other pandemics than we were for this one.

In a lot of settings, there are costs offsetting at least some of those benefits. Wearing a mask on a long plane, train or bus ride, or for an entire day at school or work, can be unpleasant, and in the latter two cases interfere with crucial communicat­ion. Wearing one into a restaurant and then taking it off to eat seems mostly pointless.

On a shortish bus or subway ride, on the other hand, wearing a mask doesn’t detract from the experience in any meaningful way. If anything, widespread mask-wearing by others makes the ride more pleasant. Mask-wearing discourage­s eating and talking — the first of which is generally banned on city buses and trains, while the second is more often than not irritating to

fellow passengers. It’s a win-win!

Lots of people wearing masks also encourages more people to wear masks. There have been at least a couple of academic attempts to quantify this effect, although neither offers a simple percentage estimate of how prevalent masking needs to be to stay prevalent. In China and Japan it’s been near-universal during the pandemic in the absence of any mandates, and was already widespread before COVID-19, especially during cold and flu season. Nudging big-city public transporta­tion systems in the U.S. toward that kind of equilibriu­m seems like a worthy and not entirely unreasonab­le goal.

How to do it? The Behavior Change for Good Initiative at the University of Pennsylvan­ia offers an assortment of “Behavioral Science Tips to Encourage Mask-Wearing” that fall into five main categories:

■„ Emphasize the many and the influentia­l who are wearing masks

■„ Respect individual freedom

■„ Make it the right thing to do

■„ Use emotional appeals

■„ Invite ownership and personaliz­ation Transit agencies may hesitate to undertake such campaigns for fear of discouragi­ng ridership by signaling that public transporta­tion is unsafe, although I would think that people who have been avoiding buses and subways during the pandemic would be more reassured by masked faces than frightened by them (85% of subway users surveyed by the MTA last fall agreed with the statement, “I feel safer when I see other customers wearing masks”).

The early belief that the New York subway in particular was a dangerous pandemic vector has been largely debunked by the rapid spread of COVID19 in non-urban settings, and buses and subways are often better ventilated than offices, restaurant­s, stores or dwellings. But they’re still enclosed spaces crowded with strangers where masks can add protection.

So, while I respect your freedom, I wear a mask on the bus and subway, as do all my friends, especially the influentia­l ones, because it’s the right thing to do and we want to save the lives of immunosupp­ressed grandmas — and if you want to wear a cloth Aaron Judge face covering that offers you relatively little protection, well, it’s better than nothing.

 ?? SPENCER PLATT/GETTY ?? Riders on a subway train on March 11 in New York City. A federal rule calling for masks on mass transit remains in place.
SPENCER PLATT/GETTY Riders on a subway train on March 11 in New York City. A federal rule calling for masks on mass transit remains in place.

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