Poteau Daily News

My Day for a Miracle

Don’t lose hope on God while waiting for your miracle to happen

- Tanoka Milligan Milligan is a Poteau resident who went on a mission trip to Guatemala just before Labor Day.

I have mentioned in times past that I often sit down to write this column without having a clue what I’m going to say. Then I listen, and God — seemingly out of nowhere — deposits a thought for me to run with. This week, however, in the few hours that I had set aside to write, I quieted my mind, waited and prayed, but nothing came.

It’s not the first time that I have walked away from a writing session with nothing to show for it. Each time it happens, however — even though I have gotten much better at trusting God where this column is concerned — anxious thoughts still try to flood my mind. I wonder if He’s going to give me something soon, or if there is some reason that He wants me to wait until the last minute. I nervously ponder the possibilit­y that He may choose to remain silent to see if I will trust Him — even if He doesn’t give me anything to write about each week.

The times that I am forced to wait for His weekly miraculous provision remind me that God doesn’t work according to our timetable. We, in our arrogance, think that we know what’s best. We approach God with our lists of what we want and when we want it, and then get discourage­d and angry if things don’t happen how and when we think they should. We treat God as though He is our servant — at our beck and call — rather than the all-powerful Creator of the universe Who, because of His infinite love, sacrificia­lly made a way for us to be called His children.

Now, I don’t mean that we can’t remind God of His promises, and stretch our faith to believe for them to happen instantane­ously. I believe that God wants us to do those things. However, they should always be done with the awe and reverence due to the One who has enough power in one breath to set an entire universe into motion, and with the knowledge that He can clearly see our end from our beginning — and everything in between.

When we remember how big our God is, we can believe for His promises to be fulfilled right now, and still trust Him if our “now” stretches out over several days, months or even years — because we know that His timing is always perfect. Even if we die before we see His promises come to pass, we will be able to take our last breath with a calm assurance in our hearts, knowing that what seemed to be left undone here on this earth will be completed the moment we step out of our physical bodies and into the presence of our faithful God.

Yes, sometimes from our perspectiv­e, our situations look hopeless — like there is nothing more that can be done. In those moments, however, we must remember that God doesn’t see our problems through human eyes. He sees a much broader and more complete picture. Even when things don’t turn out the way that we think they should, He is still working in ways that we can’t possibly understand. His promises to us are still true, and His plans are still for our good and for His glory. When the time is right, He will make it happen, and it will be so much better than anything that we could have come up with on our own.

Don’t lose hope my friend. God hears and responds to the cries of His children, and He is never too late to do what only He can do. Even when you can’t see how He will keep His promises, you can stand firm and trust His unmatchabl­e, unquenchab­le love for you. His love never fails and neither does He.


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