Quilter's World

Autumn Ringlets

Bring in the autumn season with this quilt done in warm colors. Put it on a bed or lay it across the sofa. What a way to stay warm on crisp fall evenings.



• 1/4 yard each gold, green, chestnut, dark purple and red tonals • 1/4 yard each mint green, olive

green, amber and dark red tonals • 1/4 yard very dark brown tonal • 1/3 yard purple mottled • 3/8 yard lavender tonal • 1/2 yard light brown tonal • 1/2 yard each 12 assorted cream/

beige tonals • 7/8 yard dark brown tonal • 1 yard tan swirl tonal • 12/3 yards cream tonal • 17/8 yards toffee swirl tonal • Backing to size • Batting to size • Thread • Basic sewing tools and supplies


From gold, green, chestnut, dark purple and red tonals: • Cut 1 (27/8" by fabric width) strip each. Subcut strip into 4 each 27/8" H and

23/4" B squares • Cut 1 (23/8" by fabric width) strip each. Subcut strip into 8 each 23/8" A

squares. From mint, green, olive green, amber and dark red tonals: • Cut 1 (21/2" by fabric width) strip each fabric. Subcut strips into 8 (21/2") G squares

each fabric. • Cut 1 (27/8" by fabric width) strip each fabric.

Subcut strips into 8 (27/8") H squares. From very dark brown tonal: • Cut 1 (21/2" by fabric width) strip.

Subcut strip into 8 (21/2") G squares • Cut 1 (31/2" by fabric width) strip. Subcut strip into 4 (31/2") P squares

and 8 (27/8") H squares. From purple mottled: • Cut 1 (21/2" by fabric width) strip.

Subcut strip into 8 (21/2") G squares. • Cut 1 (41/2" by fabric width) strip. Subcut strip into 4 each 41/2" L

and 27/8" H squares. From lavender tonal: • Cut 1 (33/8" by fabric width) strip.

Subcut strip into 2 (33/8") T squares. • Cut 6 (1" by fabric width) U strips. From light brown tonal: • Cut 1 (21/2" by fabric width) strip.

Subcut strip into 4 (21/2") V squares. • Cut 7 (11/2" by fabric width) W strips. From 12 assorted cream/beige tonals: • Cut 1 (27/8" by fabric width) strip each fabric. Subcut strips into a total of

68 (27/8") I squares. • Cut 1 (47/8" by fabric width) strip each fabric. Subcut strips into 2 each 47/8" E squares, 23/4" C squares (29 total), 17/8" F squares and 2" K squares and 1 (23/8") D square. Cut each E square in half on 1 diagonal to make a total of 48 E triangles. • Cut 2 (21/2" by fabric width) strips each fabric. Subcut strips into 26 (21/2") J squares each fabric; discard 8 to total 304 J squares.

From dark brown tonal:

• Cut 9 (21/4" by fabric width) binding strips.

From tan swirl tonal:

• Cut 1 (41/2" by fabric width) strip.

Subcut strip into 4 (41/2") X squares. • Cut 7 (31/2" by fabric width) Y strips.

From cream tonal:

• Cut 5 (11/2" by fabric width) M strips. • Cut 8 (21/2" by fabric width) strips. Subcut strips into 8 (21/2" x 221/2") N strips and 4 each 21/2" x 31/2" O and 21/2" x 51/2" Q rectangles. • Cut 1 (33/8" by fabric width) strip.

Subcut strip into 2 (33/8") squares. • Cut 7 (21/2" by fabric width) R strips.

From toffee swirl tonal:

• Cut 1 (27/8" by fabric width) strip. Subcut strip into 4 (27/8") H squares

and 4 (23/4") B squares. • Cut 1 (23/8" by fabric width) strip.

Subcut strip into 8 (23/8") A squares. • Cut 8 (6" by fabric width) Z/ZZ strips.


1. To complete one Framed Leaf block, select two same-fabric B squares, four same-fabric A squares, two F squares, two C squares, one D square and four E triangles.

2. Draw a diagonal line through the center of the wrong side of each C and F square.

3. Referring to Figure 1, place a C square right sides together with a B square and stitch 1/4" on each side of the marked line. Cut apart on the marked line and press the two B-C units open with seams toward B.

4. Repeat step 3 to complete a total of four B-C units.

5. Place F on opposite corners of an A square and stitch on the marked lines as shown in Figure 2; trim 1/4" beyond the stitched line on each corner and press F to the right side to complete an A-F unit as shown in Figure 3.

6. Join two B-C units with D to complete the D row as shown in Figure 4; press seams toward D.

7. Join two A squares with one B-C unit to make the A row as shown in Figure 5; press seams toward A.

8. Join one each A square and B-C unit with the A-F unit to complete the stem row as shown in Figure 6; press seams toward the B-C unit.

9. Join the rows as shown in Figure 7 to complete the leaf unit; press seams toward the A row.

10. Sew an E triangle to each side of the leaf unit to complete one Framed Leaf block as shown in Figure 8; press seams toward E. 11.

Repeat steps 1–10 to complete two blocks each of the gold, green, chestnut, dark purple, toffee swirl and red tonals as shown in Figure 9.


1. To complete one Leaf block, select two same-fabric H squares, two I squares, four same-fabric G squares, two K squares and one J square.

2. Draw a diagonal line through the center of the wrong side of each I and K square.

3. Repeat steps 3–9 for Completing the Framed Leaf Blocks, substituti­ng H for B, I for C, J for D, G for A and K for F as shown in Figure 10 to complete one Leaf block.

4. Repeat steps 1–3 to complete a total of two blocks each of the mint green, olive green, amber, dark red and very dark brown tonals and purple mottled as shown in Figure 11.


1. Select and join six J squares to make a J-6 unit as shown in Figure 12, pressing seams in rows in opposite directions. Repeat to make 16 J-6 units.

2. Select and join nine J squares to make a J-9 unit as in step 1, again referring to Figure 12. Repeat to make four J-9 units.

3. Select and join 12 J squares to make a J-12 unit as in step 1, again referring to Figure 12. Repeat to make eight J-12 units.

4. Select and join 16 J squares to make a J-16 unit as in step 1, again referring to Figure 12.

5. Select and join four J squares to make a J-4 unit as in step 1, again referring to Figure 12. Repeat to make eight J-4 units.

6. Select four J-6 units, two J-12 units and one J-9 unit, one toffee Framed Leaf block and one each amber, very dark brown and dark red tonal Leaf blocks.

7. Arrange and join the blocks and units to complete Unit 1 as shown in Figure 13, pressing seams in the directions shown by arrows in the drawing. Repeat to make a second Unit 1.

8. Select one J-9 unit, two J-12 units and four J-6 units with one green Framed Leaf block and one each mint green, olive green and purple mottled Leaf blocks.

9. Arrange and join the blocks and units to complete Unit 2 as shown in Figure 14, pressing seams in the directions shown by arrows in the drawing. Repeat to make a second Unit 2.

10. Select two J-4 units and one each dark purple and gold Framed Leaf blocks.

11. Arrange and join the blocks and units to complete Unit 3 as shown in Figure 15, pressing seams in the directions shown by arrows in the drawing. Repeat to make a second Unit 3.

12. Select two J-4 units and one each red and chestnut Framed Leaf blocks.

13. Arrange and join the blocks and units to complete Unit 4 as shown in Figure 16, pressing seams in the directions shown by arrows in the drawing. Repeat to make a second Unit 4.

14. Arrange and join the pieced units and J16 unit in rows referring to Figure 17 to complete the pieced center; press seams in directions shown by arrows in the drawing.


1. Draw a diagonal line through the center on the wrong side of each remaining I square.

2. Place an I square right sides together with each remaining H square and stitch 1/4" on each side of the marked line, cut apart on the marked line and press the H-I units open to make a total of 88 H-I units (eight of each of 11 colors).

3. Select one of each color H-I unit to total 11 units and join to make an H-I strip as shown in Figure 18; press seams in one direction. Repeat to make a total of four pieced strips.

4. Repeat step 3 to complete four reversed pieced strips, again referring to Figure 18.

5. Sew an N strip to the dark-fabric side of each pieced strip as shown in Figure 19; press seams toward N strips.

6. Mark a diagonal line on four J squares; place a marked J square right sides together with an L square and stitch on the marked lines. Trim seams to 1/4" and press J to the right side as shown in Figure 20.

7. Repeat step 6 on the remaining corners of L to complete a J-L unit as shown in Figure 21.

8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to complete a total of four J-L units.

9. Join M strips on short ends to make a long strip; press seams open. Subcut strip into four 481/2" M strips.

10. Join a pieced strip and a reversed pieced strip with a J-L unit, and add an M strip to make a side strip as shown in Figure 22; press seams away from the J-L units.

11. Sew O and then Q to P to make a corner unit as shown in Figure 23; press seams toward O and then Q. Repeat to make a total of four corner units

12. Sew a side strip to opposite sides of the pieced center with N strips on the outer edges referring to the Placement Diagram; press seams toward side strips.

13. Sew a corner unit to each end of each remaining side strip to make the top strip as shown in Figure 24; press seams away from the corner units. Repeat to make the bottom strip. Sew these strips to the top and bottom of the pieced center; press seams toward strips.

14. Join the U strips on short ends to make one long strip; press seams open. Subcut strip into four 581/2" U strips. Repeat with R strips to make four 581/2" R strips.

15. Sew a U strip to an R strip with right sides together along length; press seams toward U strips. Repeat to make a total of four U-R strips.

16. Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of the two S squares; place each marked square right sides together with a T square and stitch 1/4" on each side of the marked lines. Cut apart on the marked lines and press open with seams toward T to complete four S-T units as shown in Figure 25.

17. Sew a U-R strip to opposite sides of the pieced center; press seams toward U-R strips.

18. Sew an S-T unit to each end of each remaining U-R strip; press seams toward the U-R strips. Sew these strips to the top and bottom of the pieced center; press seams toward strips.

19. Join the W strips on short ends to make one long strip; press seams open. Subcut strip into four 631/2" W strips. Repeat with the Y strips to make four 631/2" Y strips.

20. Sew a W strip to a Y strip to make a W-Y strip; press seam toward W. Repeat to make a total of four W-Y strips.

21. Draw a diagonal line on the corner of each V square; place a V square on one corner of an X square and stitch on the marked line. Trim seam to 1/4" and press V to the right side to complete a V-X unit as shown in Figure 26. Repeat to make a total of four V-X units.

22. Sew a W-Y strip to opposite sides of the pieced center; press seams toward W-Y strips.

23. Sew a V-X unit to opposite ends of each remaining W-Y strip referring to Figure 27 for positionin­g of the V-X units; press seams toward W-Y strips. Sew these strips to the top and bottom of the pieced center; press seams toward W-Y strips.

24. Join the Z/ZZ strips on the short ends to make one long strip; subcut strip into two 711/2" Z strips and two 821/2" ZZ strips.

25. Sew Z strips to opposite sides and ZZ strips to the top and bottom of the pieced center to complete the quilt top; press seams toward Z and ZZ strips.

26. Create a quilt sandwich referring to Quilting Basics on page 110. 27. Quilt as desired. 28. Bind edges referring to Quilting Basics on page 110 to finish.

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