Random Lengths News

The Truth about Antifa


In the July 23 edition of Random Lengths News, Senior Editor Paul Rosenberg’s story, “The Truth About Antifa,” received the second highest amount views in our last issue but received the most responses, mostly negative attention from sympathize­rs and supporters of President Donald Trump. While this newspaper has never shied away from reporting through a progressiv­e lens, we do aim to be fair and thorough on all that we report. In this space, we chose to reprint the comments we’ve received in response to “Truth About Antifa” to illustrate the work that still needs to be done on media literacy and helping our readers decipher the difference between informatio­n from credible sources versus an echo-chamber recycling conspiraci­es theories and outright falsehoods. Here’s a sampling of the mostly one line snipes.

Lisa Bennett 07/24/2020

At 1:37 pm

This entire article is propaganda. On the street, ANTIFA is a violent Marxist group that assaults any perceived “enemy.” They are thugs.

AvatarSara­h F 07/28/2020

At 9:16 pm

This article is factual. Your words are pure fear mongering propaganda. No evidence Antifa are “Marxist thugs.” Fascism is the enemy of any freedom-loving, rational person.

Cheryl 07/25/2020

At 2:22 am

PAUL, your superiorit­y complex interferes with your facts and hightens [sic] your lack of ethics. It is sad that you can not describe various hate groups without insulting the President every chance you get. I don’t appreciate your inability to report the news without your opinion smeared in

our faces.

Artemis Gordon 07/28/2020 At 9:33 pm

If stating the facts about Trump’s Antifa conspiracy bs “insults the President” you really think Paul is to blame? That’s some twisted logic.

Mike 07/27/2020

At 2:24 pm

Wow, the propaganda is real. The author of this article is a terrorist, nice try. Americans are catching. You are the Nazi


AvatarYouD­umb 07/28/2020 At 5:35 am

Pure garbage. Why are people so stupid? Paul Rosenburg [sic] must be a drooling idiot going by the drivel in this stupid article.


AvatarSara­h F 07/28/2020

At 9:27 pm

Natasha Lennard wrote:

“Antifa practices understand that the desire for fascism is not something based on reason, so it is not something to be reasoned out of.” The lack of reason in the comments here underscore the truth of her statement.


AvatarAnti­fa are the real fascists 07/30/2020

At 6:37 am

All these ads for IQ tests on this page are pertinent, I definitely feel dumber after reading this drivel.

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