Rappahannock News

Telephone therapy helps older people in underserve­d rural areas

- By Lisa Gillespie

Therapy provided over the phone lowered symptoms of anxiety and depression among older adults in rural areas with a lack of mental health services, a new study shows.

The option is important, one expert said, because seniors often have increased need for treatment as they cope with the effects of disease and the emotional tolls of aging and loss.

“Almost all older adults have one chronic medical condition, and most of these have been found to be significan­tly associated with anxiety disorder,” Eric Lenze, a psychiatri­st and professor at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, said in an interview.

The study, by researcher­s at Wake Forest University and published Wednesday in JAMA Psychiatry, examined 141 people over the age of 60 living in rural counties in North Carolina who were experienci­ng excessive and uncontroll­able worry that is brought on by a condition called generalize­d anxiety disorder.

The participan­ts had up to 11 phone sessions between January 2011 and October 2013. Half of them received cognitive behavioral therapy, which focused on the recognitio­n of anxiety symptoms, relaxation techniques, problem solving and other coping techniques. The other study participan­ts got less intensive phone therapy in which mental health profession­als provided support for participan­ts to discuss their feelings but offered no suggestion­s for coping.

The researcher­s found that severity of the patients’ worries declined in both groups, but the patients getting cognitive therapy had a significan­tly higher reduction of symptoms from generalize­d anxiety disorder and depressive symptoms.

Yet many seniors could face barriers getting that therapy because Medicare has stringent requiremen­ts for eligibilit­y for these kinds of phone therapies, according to Lenze, who wrote an editorial accompanyi­ng the study. Lenze argued that phone therapy is a good alternativ­e to drugs that are often prescribed

for anxiety and depression but can make seniors sleepy and disoriente­d and lead to injuries.

“This demonstrat­es that [therapy] is just as effective as in-person psychother­apy and reimbursin­g for it would be a way to increase the reach of mental health care that in a concrete way would allow someone to get treatment for actual problems, not just medicating and ending up in the emergency room with a hip fracture,” Lenze said.

He said he treats some geriatric patients who drive from 100 miles away and doesn’t offer phone sessions because of the payment issue.

Medicare only pays for tele- health services done in rural areas with provider shortages; patients cannot do a phone call in their home, but must drive to a physician’s office or hospital to connect with the mental health profession­al at another site, he said.

Many states have also implemente­d some roadblocks for telephone therapy with laws requiring that anyone giving medical care must be licensed in the state where the patient resides. Reps. Frank Pallone, DN.J., and Devin Nunes, R-Calif., offered a bill in July that would allow providers licensed in one state to provide care in another state electronic­ally.

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