Rappahannock News



This week’s theme is: PRESIDENTI­AL ELECTIONS. Clues marked with an asterisk (*) are theme-related. Solution in next week’s Rappahanno­ck News.


1. Wisdom tooth, e.g.

6. Slovenly abode

9. ____ row

13. "Leave me ____!"

14. Lamb's momma

15. Chew out

16. Stirs up

17. *Reagan, to friends

18. Extend subscripti­on

19. *Electoral entity

21. *Election day

23. Right-angle building extension

24. Cat-headed Egyptian goddess

25. British broadcaste­r

28. Plural of locus

30. Farmer's turf, pl.

35. Pale or bitter beverages

37. 1960s boots

39. "No way, ____ ____!"

40. Under the weather

41. #6 Across dwellers

43. Actress Moore

44. Arctic people

46. On the surface

47. Julia Roberts as ____ Brockovich

48. Clear and bright

50. Snorkeling site

52. *____ Whitman, cochair of John McCain's 2008 campaign

53. How snug bug in a rug feels?

55. Singular of #35 Across

57. Diver's breathing device

61. *Election within a party

65. Conical tent

66. Miner's bounty

68. Hindu queen

69. Do like Vesuvius

70. Additional­ly

71. Nashville player

72. A rolling stone gathers none of this

73. Japanese currency

74. Downhill riders


1. Designer Jacobs

2. Hodgepodge

3. Take it easy

4. Anoint

5. Bring to consignmen­t store

6. Dried up

7. *Presidenti­al term limit

8. Yiddish busybody

9. She is

10. Warm-hearted

11. What's the big one?

12. Like moist grass in the morning

15. King Minos, e.g.

20. Heidi's shoes

22. Consume

24. Prejudice

25. Pesto ingredient

26. Russian cuisine staple

27. Small intestine/ large intestine connection

29. RC or Pepsi

31. Went by horse

32. 100,000 BTU

33. Mr. Simpson, to Marge

34. *Important kind of state

36. "____ to My Lou"

38. Bassoon cousin

42. Asparagus unit

45. *List of candidates

49. Unidentifi­ed John

51. What coquette does

54. Polish currency

56. *This account of John Podesta was hacked

57. Curriculum based on science, technology, engineerin­g, math

58. Claudius' successor

59. "Moonlight Sonata," e.g.

60. *Dems opponents

61. Colonial times' laborer

62. Casino chip

63. Part of ROM

64. Yearnings

67. Wade's opponent

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