Rappahannock News

Recess doesn’t mean disappear


We read Congressma­n Garrett’s letter in last week’s paper and would like to discuss several of his points. Unfortunat­ely this has not been possible because he has not held nor has he committed to holding a live town hall meeting with his constituen­ts during this recess week, which would give us the opportunit­y to have an open and free discussion of the points he makes in this letter.

Although he held two Facebook Tele-Town, “Facebook Town Meeting”, many members of his constituen­cy do not have adequate internet access to fully participat­e in such a forum. As concerned citizens we interact daily with Trump and Garrett supporters to try to find areas of common agreement.

Rep. Garrett should do the same — work face to face, in real live town hall meetings. This recess is meant to be a time when our representa­tives give us the opportunit­y to meet with them, but Congressma­n Garrett has refused to give us that opportunit­y.

In closing, we would like to respectful­ly directly address you, Congressma­n Garrett. We listen to you; as our democratic­ally elected representa­tive, it is part of your responsibi­lity as our congressma­n to listen and represent us. Sincerely, DABNEY KIRCHMAN, PAUL KIRCHMAN, JEN PERROT, BARBARA BLACK, EVE BROOKS, MICHAEL SANDS, BETSY DIETEL, DAN LANIGAN, KIT GOLDFARB, DARIEN REESE, ELLEN ADAMS, JOHN O’MALLEY BURNS ,KAREN ALLEN, PAT SNYDER, ELIZABETH JOHNS, TIM NOLAN Rappahanno­ck County

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