Rappahannock News

Maria Amadounian Reid


Maria Amadounian Reid, 87 of McLean, VA, died peacefully at her home at the age of 87 on August 23rd. Known for her wit, cooking and generosity, she was born on February 4, 1930, in Thessaloni­ki, Greece. She was of Armenian descent and lived through the Nazi occupation of Greece during World War II. She graduated from NYU with a BS degree in Accounting. While in New York, she met and married Joseph Browning Reid in 1958. They moved to Arlington, VA, in 1964, then to McLean, VA, in 1969. At the time they moved to McLean, she was worried it was too far out in the country. They would live in their McLean home over 45 years, raising three sons. She had a long and very successful career in the Federal Government as an accountant, including at the General Services Administra­tion, the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Department of Defense Inspector General. She is survived by three sons Charles Joseph Reid, Avedis Thomas Reid, and Robert Browning Reid; granddaugh­ter Charde Reid and grandsons Joseph Reid and Avedis Reid II. A memorial service will be held October 21, 2017 at the United Methodist Church in Flint Hill, Virginia at 1:30 pm where she will be laid to rest beside her husband. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Armenian General Benevolent Union, 55 East 59th St., 7th Floor, New York, NY 10022, (www.agbu.org).

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