Rappahannock News

‘A snappy new day’


We have failed our children. We continue to elect government representa­tives who value financial support over protecting the lives of our children, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives. We watch and hail as heroes those who give their lives to protect others, but we are not courageous enough to fight the gun lobby.

Now, students around the country are ready to take charge. They are planning marches, sit-ins, lie-ins, talking to the media — showing the courage and determinat­ion that we have lacked. We must give them all of our support. Join them as they march around the country on March 24th. Donate so that they have the money to spread the word. Offer rides so they can get to the marches. Make sure that they register to vote when they turn 18 so that they can vote out of office the representa­tives who take money from the NRA, members of Congress like Tom Garrett and Barbara Comstock.

We have passed the time for talk. Now is the time for action on sensible gun laws. We can’t fail again.

Fifty years ago today, Mr. Rogers first aired on TV. He closed every show with his signature song:

It’s such a good feeling To know you're alive. It’s such a happy feeling; You're growing inside. And when you wake up ready to say:

I think I’ll make a snappy new day.

It’s such a good feeling, A very good feeling.

Last week, there were 17 children who didn’t wake up the next day. When will it stop?


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