Rappahannock News

Stone Hill’s newest

‘Republic Undone’ premieres at Castleton

- Republic Undone,

The RAACsuppor­ted, Flint-Hillbased Stone

Hill Theatrical Foundation is the brainchild of

John Henry. His thought-provoking production­s, performed primarily by Rappahanno­ck “citizen-actors,” usually take their inspiratio­n from history, with useful lessons for today. About Henry’s latest play — “Republic Undone,” whose setting is exactly a century ago — he here answers questions for the Rappahanno­ck News.

Why do you choose Woodrow Wilson, our 28th President, as the centerpiec­e of your newest play?

Wilson has one of history’s most paradoxica­l and misunderst­ood personalit­ies. Five remarkable women feature in his meteoric rise and fall. They are, by and large, shortchang­ed in biographie­s and memoirs. His rise was piloted by his first wife, Ellen Axson, who surrendere­d her promising career as a painter. She is the protagonis­t who remedies his alarming lack of wisdom and character.

Why did Wilson fight the suffragett­es?

The suffragett­e movement threatened his Southern base which anchored the Democratic Party. Alice Paul, who is played by your charming wife, is the locomotive of the 19th Amendment. In opposing her, he provided a dress rehearsal for the enhanced interrogat­ion techniques that earmarked Guantanamo Bay.

Why are Princeton students calling for the removal of Wilson’s name from the School of Public & Internatio­nal Affairs?

Wilson endorsed the white supremacy of his era. He excluded blacks at Princeton. He campaigned as a second Lincoln to attract black support, but governed with the racism of South Carolina Senator “Pitchfork Ben” Tillman to placate southern bigots. He re-segregated the federal workforce, fired black officials in the South, and turned a deaf ear to lynchings. In

William Monroe Trotter, Harvard’s first black Phi Beta Kappa, confronts Wilson in the White House. Wilson permanentl­y evicts Trotter from the White House.

Did Wilson’s academic background make him protective of free speech and civil liberties?

The paradoxica­l answer is no. He has the worst track record. His Espionage and Sedition Acts criminaliz­ed dissent. Thousands of peaceful citizens went to jail for opposing World War I. Wilson propagandi­zed the county with fake news through the Committee on Public Informatio­n. He insinuated naturalize­d citizens had “poured the poison of disloyalty into the very arteries of our national life” and therefore needed to “be crushed”.

Why is Wilson ranked among our best Presidents?

Predominan­tly because of his Progressiv­e domestic legislatio­n. Paradoxica­lly, Wilson winning the war didn’t help his popularity. He made the 1918 midterm election a test of his leadership and lost control of the Senate and the House. The 1920 presidenti­al election was the greatest electoral repudiatio­n of the White House incumbent party up to that time.

Having served as his Assistant Secretary of Navy, FDR was more Wilson than Wilson. He refurbishe­d Wilson’s reputation to promote his own.

What is the most important Wilsonian legacy?

With his co-belligeren­cy with the Allied Powers, he pioneered presidenti­al wars which have become the norm since the Korean War. Today we have nine presidenti­al wars in the Middle East and South Asia operating outside the Constituti­on.

I only count seven. Afghanista­n. Iraq. Pakistan. Somalia. Yemen. Libya. Syria.

Don’t forget al Qaeda and ISIS. There are scores more against alleged enemies that the President classifies and conceals from Congress and the American people. The President now exercises more unchecked power over American citizens than King George III did over American colonists which provoked the American Revolution. Indeed, we’ve concentrat­ed more power in the hands of one individual than any government in history. The Wilsonian legacy has squandered the heroic sacrifices at Lexington and Concord.

Is that the lesson of your play?

My motivation is to cast light on Wilson’s displaceme­nt of separation of powers and checks and balances with limitless executive power. If we transfer the war power from Congress to the President, we are doomed to perpetual wars that undo our Republic.

Your Stone Hill Theatrical Foundation provides many unique and creative opportunit­ies for Rappahanno­ck residents. What specific roles do they have in upcoming production?

In Republic Undone,

Wilson is played by Hugh Hill who was also the lead male role as Moses in Arguing with God and Alexander Hamilton in Republic For Which We Stand. Peter Stenner, who also acted in my first two plays, returns as Doctor Cary Grayson and Joseph Tumulty. Another veteran thespian, Maeve Cuiba, returns as young Tommy Wilson. Bill Walton, who played George Washington in Republic For

Which We Stand, returns as French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau. John Lesinski makes a third theatrical appearance, this time as Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan. Deverell Pedersen returns for the third time as Wilson’s mother. Our third-timer, star singer-actress, Pat Nicklin, plays first cousin Hatti Woodrow and suffragett­e leader Alice Paul. Assistant Director, Howard Coon, who featured in Republic

For Which We Stand, plays Wilson’s father. Sandy Reade plays Augusta Victoria, the Kaiser’s wife, and John Schmitz plays the Kaiser.

Appreciati­on is given to Father Tuck Grinnell who hosted a reading at St. Peter’s Catholic Church.

When is the premier performanc­e?

Tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite Castleton Theater Saturday evening, May 19th. Republic Undone will also be performed at DC’s Keegan Theater on Tuesday, May 22nd. I hope it becomes a topic of conversati­on throughout the county.

 ?? BY RAY BOC ?? Bill Nitze, of Washington, D.C., and Hugh Hill of Flint Hill, who plays Woodrow Wilson in John Henry's upcoming production.
BY RAY BOC Bill Nitze, of Washington, D.C., and Hugh Hill of Flint Hill, who plays Woodrow Wilson in John Henry's upcoming production.

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